Data Privacy/IP Risk with GenAI

Milan's Outlook
Techno Leeway
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2023

Secure your organization’s future by navigating the complex GenAI landscape for IP and data privacy!

Generative AI (GenAI) is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, code, and music, based on existing data. GenAI has many potential applications and benefits for businesses, such as enhancing productivity, creativity, and innovation. However, GenAI also poses significant challenges and risks for intellectual property (IP) and data privacy, which need to be addressed carefully and responsibly.

Data Privacy

One of the main challenges of GenAI is ensuring the privacy and security of the data that is used to train and interact with the generative models. GenAI systems require large amounts of data to produce high-quality and diverse outputs, but this data may contain sensitive or confidential information that could be leaked, misused, or stolen by malicious actors. For example, ChatGPT, a popular GenAI tool that can generate natural language text, has been reported to expose personal and company data that users have entered into it.

Therefore, before adopting any GenAI solution, businesses need to understand how the data is being handled, where it is stored, who has access to it, and what are the legal and ethical implications of using it. Businesses should also consider the following questions:

  • Can we use our own data, or do we need to rely on external data sources?
  • Can we segregate the data so that it can only be used for our own models and purposes?
  • Can we anonymize or encrypt the data to protect its identity and integrity?
  • Can we audit and monitor the data flows and transactions to detect and prevent any breaches or anomalies?

IP Protection

Another challenge of GenAI is protecting the IP rights and interests of the creators and owners of the original and generated content. GenAI systems can produce novel and valuable content that may have commercial or artistic value, but this also raises questions about the ownership, authorship, and liability of such content. For example, who owns the IP rights to the content generated by ChatGPT, the user who entered the query, the developer who created the model, or the platform that hosted the service?

Therefore, before using any GenAI solution, businesses need to understand the IP implications and regulations of the content that is generated, used, and shared. Businesses should also consider the following questions:

  • Do we have the IP rights or permissions to use the original data or content that is fed into the GenAI system?
  • Do we have the IP rights or licenses to use the generated content or output that is produced by the GenAI system?
  • Do we have the IP rights or agreements to share or distribute the generated content or output with others?
  • Do we have the IP responsibilities or liabilities for the quality, accuracy, and legality of the generated content or output?

Quality Control

A related challenge of GenAI is ensuring the quality and reliability of the generated content or output. GenAI systems can produce impressive and realistic content, but they can also make mistakes or errors that may affect the performance, functionality, or reputation of the businesses that use them. For example, ChatGPT can generate coherent and fluent text, but it can also generate inaccurate, irrelevant, or inappropriate text that may not meet the expectations or requirements of the users.

Therefore, before relying on any GenAI solution, businesses need to understand the limitations and uncertainties of the generative models and their outputs. Businesses should also consider the following questions:

  • How do we evaluate the quality and confidence of the generated content or output?
  • How do we verify and validate the correctness and relevance of the generated content or output?
  • How do we handle and correct the errors or anomalies of the generated content or output?
  • How do we provide feedback and improvement to the generative models and their outputs?


The final challenge of GenAI is establishing the governance and accountability of the generative models and their outputs. GenAI systems can have significant impacts and consequences on the businesses and society that use them, but they can also pose ethical, social, and legal challenges that need to be addressed and resolved. For example, ChatGPT can generate informative and helpful text, but it can also generate misleading, harmful, or offensive text that may violate the norms or laws of the users.

Therefore, before implementing any GenAI solution, businesses need to understand the governance and accountability frameworks and standards that apply to the generative models and their outputs. Businesses should also consider the following questions:

  • How do we align the generative models and their outputs with our business goals and values?
  • How do we ensure the transparency and explainability of the generative models and their outputs?
  • How do we ensure the fairness and inclusivity of the generative models and their outputs?
  • How do we ensure the compliance and responsibility of the generative models and their outputs?


GenAI is a powerful and promising technology that can offer many opportunities and benefits for businesses, but it also comes with many challenges and risks for IP and data privacy. Businesses need to be aware and prepared for these challenges and risks and adopt best practices and strategies to navigate the complex GenAI landscape. By doing so, businesses can secure their organization’s future and leverage GenAI to enhance their productivity, creativity, and innovation.


Milan Dhore, M.S (Data Analytics)

Cloud Strategic Leader | Enterprise Transformation Leader | AI |ML

Certified in TOGAF, AWS, ML, AI, Architecture, Snowflake, Six Sigma, NCFM, Excellence Award in Advance Data Analytics, Financial Market …. Know More-



Milan's Outlook
Techno Leeway

Milan Dhore,Growth-Driven Enterprise Strategist & Transformation Leader | Pioneering Leader in Cloud, Generative AI,ML,and Emerging Technologies