A Letter to God

Talk to God, and your life will change.

Yagya Neha
The Jabberjays
4 min readJan 20, 2021


Picture by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

“God gave me Parkinson’s syndrome to show me I’m not ‘The Greatest’ — he is. God gave me this illness to remind me that I’m not Number One; He is.”

— Muhammad Ali

Dear God,

As I pen my feelings down, I am just grateful that I am not worrying or stressing about anything. I am just talking my heart out and it feels great. So, thank You. Thank You for this peace. This is peace — once which seemed unattainable — is quite possible to gain now, thanks to You. But not going to lie, I do have those days when I feel like a complete wreck.

I recently learned that this life is a test. I know, how crazy is that?! I was blank and ignorant for twenty-something years. And I do regret being away from You for so long. It never really hurts to try something new. But I don’t know why I was never intrigued about the creator that controls everything from a leaf to billions of humans.

Wow, the powers you possess bewitch me!

“Don’t tell your God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is.” — Unknown

Ok, coming back to my original point now. Life is a test, like any other we used to take in school. An examination, rather. But did we get enough time to prepare? Did we know the syllabus? No. I do not think so. I was born with no knowledge whatsoever. I was just a lump of tissues. How did I learn everything I have learned till now? Through society. Through the rotten and untamed thoughts of people, unfortunately.

That is why it is so important to unlearn certain things. We, as humans, are not always fed the right knowledge at times.

But what I assume is, doesn’t every situation that we go through count as a lesson? Yes. I guess, it does. Right? I also guess that our previous mistakes are supposed to build a foundation for our present exam. Yes, it makes sense now. Thanks, God. I’m getting closer to understanding life.

But there is something that baffles me — You let us try again and again and again. No matter how badly we perform in your test (which we call life), You allow us to wake up and see another day and relive another test that you so gracefully provide. How and why do You do that? Why don’t You just destroy us all then and there?

“God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear.” — Unknown

Ok now, let’s keep the test aside because I am confident that most of us don’t live up to your expectations. We indulge in things that are unethical and forbidden. We spend nights sinning and swaying away from the good that is described by You. But what happens the next morning when we wake up?

The sun is brightly smiling at us while our dining table is filled with food as a strong roof protects us.

Why God? Why do You love us so much? Why do You provide us with blessings and ease even when we are one of the worsts among your creations? Why do You give us a chance to repent and resolve back to goodness? Is this what unconditional love means?

And also, the year 2020 and 2021, as I write this, we are experiencing the most terrible difficulty — life-taking, career-ending, and dream-destroying pandemic. But what did that do to me? It pushed me off the cliff while You lovingly held me and brought me to light. You let me walk a path so clear and beautiful that I forgot everything that made no sense. It brought me closer to You. It made me look at the bright side of things. It made me value gifts and people I once horrifically took for granted. It made me fall in love with myself because You are the creator, and every creation of Yours is perfect. We are all perfect, whole and we deserve happiness. It also taught me patience and told me to hold on tight to You.

So was the pandemic really a bad thing? How do You so beautifully embed goodness even in the most critical times? Tell me, please.

God, I know you are listening, because you are the all-listening and all-aware. (As-Samee and Al-Aleem)

Oh, there is also one important thing I have learned and it’s my favourite post on Instagram.

‘If God can turn night into day, then he can turn your burden into a blessing. Trust him.’

Anyway, I have one last thing to say. And it’s something I want to tell you from all my heart and soul.

I am truly very sorry, for everything. For the times I didn’t appreciate your gifts. For the times I didn’t love thy neighbours. For the times I let anger and envy grow inside of me. For the times I didn’t care for myself. For the times I didn’t love myself enough. And most importantly, for the times I didn’t trust You enough.

Tawakkal is an Arabic word that means “reliance on God” or “trusting God completely”. I’m sorry I lack it at times. I’m trying to work on it, I promise. Give me some more time and I’ll perfect it.

Till then, help us all and bless us with Your love. You are the most merciful and I beg that you shower us with your mercy. We really need it.

Thank you, God, for listening. And thank You for everything.

— Your servant


God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. — Unknown



Yagya Neha
The Jabberjays

Two friends, combined with fury and fantasy, wish to ink their minds, hearts and souls. 🖤