Brief blog description

Stanislaw Nikolaiewsky
2 min readDec 25, 2020


The modern right and social views must be given the new purpose and the new philosophy, which can be without naive and blind worship of tradition and «good old days», as well as be free of religious, pseudoscientific and obscurantist plaque. The rightists must stop being an antique caricature of themselves.

  • We push the right Neoreactionary ideas, which are not opposed the scientific worldview, but base their arguments against the left just from the position of science, not only the economic but also from the natural science.
  • Techno-commercialism is against irrational Neo-Luddism, which fills the many other right movements and completely support scientific-and-technological advance of the Humanity.
  • We believe that the rightists must seize the cultural monopoly of rationalism, skepticism, and science from the left.

We are not:

  • We are not libertarians (although all of the movements of the Neoreactionism, techno-commercialism is the closest to it);
  • We do not believe that a government is a fiend and we have to get rid of it;
  • We are not supporters of democracy;
  • We are not conservatives or traditionalists;
  • We consider Protestant Christianity to be guilty of the leftism of the Western world;
  • We are supporters of scientific-and-technological advance and we do not criticize scientism just because it is supported by leftist progressives;

Besides, our content includes futuristic and cyberpunk aesthetics.

