Custom Structural Directives in Angular

Create Angular Custom Structural Directives

Mayank Gupta


TechnoFunnel presents another article on Custom Structural Directives in Angular. In this article, we will talk about What are Structure Directives and How to create Custom Directives with Angular.

What are Structural Directives ?

Structural Directive in Angular are responsible for manipulating, modifying and removing elements inside a template of a component. A structural directive is applied on a main element and according to the behavior of structural directive, it modifies and updates the main elements and its child elements. We have some inbuilt structural directives in Angular like “ngFor”, “ngSwitch” and “ngIf”. Since you are learning about how to create Custom Structural Directives, I expect you to know the behavior of above specified Directives.

Creating Custom Structural Directives



Mayank Gupta

9 Years of Experience with Front-end Technologies and MEAN Stack. Working on all Major UI Frameworks like React, Angular and Vue