Exception Handling in Python

Python Exception Handling in 5 Minutes…

Mayank Gupta


Exception Handling, Python Exception Handling, Python Programming, Try Except Finally in Python, Try Except Python, Python
Exception Handling in Python

TechnoFunnel brings another article for Exception Handling in Python which can be achieved using the “try-except” statement. Exceptions are the events that are triggered when the program encounters an error during execution. When an error occurs, we can handle these exceptions to avoid the program from getting crashed.

In this article, we are going to discuss the following:

  1. Handling Error using “try-except” block
  2. Working with Finally Block
  3. Raising Custom Exceptions
  4. Handling Multiple Exception Clause
  5. Understanding Else Block in “try-except

Why do we Require Exception Handling?

We require exception handling for the Following Reasons:

  1. Error Handling: In the case of Errors during runtime, the application might terminate unconditionally. Using the Exception Handling, we can handle the scenario of Failures and avoid termination of the program.
  2. Code Separation: Error Handling can help us segregate the code that is required for error handling from the main logic. The error related code can be placed inside the “except” block which is segregating it from the…



Mayank Gupta

9 Years of Experience with Front-end Technologies and MEAN Stack. Working on all Major UI Frameworks like React, Angular and Vue https://medium.com/technofunnel