Each different. All equal.

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021

In celebrating Pride, Technogise wants to do more than just change its logo. We want to bring about changes that last (.. just like our software 🙂..).

We recognise the importance of building a deeper understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community and learn how we can become a safer, more inclusive workplace. And for this, it’s important to start insightful conversations which could lead to impactful, actionable changes.

What did we do?

To strengthen our commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity, and be advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights everyday, we hosted our first LGBTQIA+ understanding and inclusivity session with Serein Learning last week.

Serein is an organisation that focuses on helping build workplace diversity, safety and inclusion for everyone.

Eye Openers

The session started by introducing us to the spectrums and all the intricate detailing about the community. The differences between Gender, Identity and Sexuality were explained beautifully.

The interactive session included a Virtual Escape Room Setup, a fun game which helped us appreciate & sensitised us to the diversity of the community.

They also spoke about the importance of introducing ourselves with our pronouns.

For example: Hey! I am Vinsha. I go by She/Her/Hers as my pronouns. It’s lovely meeting you.” This way, you’re keeping the conversation open ended and making the person feel comfortable.

Moreover, it’s important to make this a way of life to foster an inclusive space / environment.

This session as a whole, was thought provoking in layers and extremely engaging. As a team, we worked towards understanding - how we can put into practice all that we learnt. Be better Allies to the community and help one another make the work environment more inclusive.

Key Takeaways:


An ally is someone that actively works towards promoting inclusion through conscious, intentional, positive efforts that benefit the community as a whole. And during this seminar we were provided with a diverse knowledge and skill set on how to build “Allyship” with the community and develop initiatives that support the community. We also came to know about how we can actively support by calling out micro-aggressions and their impact.

Out and Proud!

Coming Out is extremely personal. Everyone has their own journey around it. And it’s important to respect that. Moreover, if someone comes out to you, thank them. Thank them for trusting you enough with their truth. And most importantly, keep their story safe with you.

You shouldn’t Out someone for them. It’s not your place but theirs. It’s their choice.

Moreover, we realise that inclusion is what connects people to an organisation, and diversity leads to greater innovation and a better team.

And as a company we promise to continue nurturing inclusivity, educating ourselves and building a network on the thoughts of acceptance, that’s free from internalised stigma.




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