Our recruitment philosophy

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4 min readOct 18, 2021

So you are interested in being a Technogiser, and want to go through our recruitment process. Let’s get to know the recruitment philosophy which drives that process.

We evaluate your strengths on what YOU are working on, not what WE are working on.

Prior to every discussion, we ask you for your strengths — the technologies, concepts and attributes you believe you are strong in. We shape our questions only around these areas. This gives you a chance to exhibit your strengths. We don’t ask you questions around things that you haven’t worked on / aren’t strong in… even if Technogise works in those areas.

Why — Because we believe that you bring your own unique strengths to add to Technogise. That’s how we evolve our capability as an organisation.

If we start evaluating whether you are strong in the technologies / concepts that we are working on, it will be unfair to you.

We have discussions based on your opinions, not Q&As based on bookish theory.

We look forward to having discussions with you around your areas of expertise. We try to get insights from you — your experience with, and your views / opinions on what you’ve worked with.

We don’t do a Q&A style session where we ask you some theoretical questions and expect some bookish answers from you 🙂

Why — Because experiences give you insights beyond bookish definitions. You realise that implementing a particular concept may not be the right thing to do in a real-world project context, even if the theory says so.

Also a discussion is always more fun & engaging, than Q&A, don’t you agree? 🙂

Value alignment first, rest later.

Technogisers live by values of Integrity, Transparency, Tenacity, Humility, Curiosity, Accountability, Pragmatism and Craftsmanship.

Our recruitment process gives you the opportunity to demonstrate these values.

Why — We owe our existence, our growth and our success to these values. Your technical expertise, communication skills, problem solving aptitude are all very important, but for us to work together, you need to possess these values first and foremost.

We collaborate HANDS-ON with you.

We believe that our recruitment process should give both you and us a clear insight of how we would work with each other.

Accordingly, we engage in hands-on collaboration with you. It could be coding or building a system design together, or testing an app together, or a real world requirement gathering and analysis workshop roleplay. The idea is to know more about each other.

Why — Apart from the fact that it makes the process more exciting 🙂, it helps us get to know each other much better. It helps us get a glimpse of how it will be when we work together in the future.

Your approach and how you evolve it matters more than absolute outcomes

When we present problems for you to solve in our recruitment process, we are less focused on absolute solutions and more focused on your approach to solving them. Your thought process matters, be it to analyse the problem or solutionizing it. It doesn’t matter whether you arrive at a complete solution or not.

If there are issues with your current approach, can you think of ways to take a better approach? If the problem itself evolves, how would you evolve your approach?

Why — We are in the business of providing solutions. And we know that there could be multiple solutions to a problem, as well as multiple approaches to arrive at a solution. And while there is no absolute right or wrong approach, what matters is for us to find more & more optimum approaches to solve the problem.

We will succeed in our journey to become the finest software consultancy in the world if we are able to consistently find the most optimum approaches to deliver world class solutions.

Learning from each other.

We strongly believe that recruitment processes should be learning opportunities for the panel members as well as the potential Technogisers.

So if you don’t know something we have asked you, we love sharing that knowledge with you. Similarly, if we don’t know some things that you’re strong in, we love to learn those concepts from you.

Why — Whether you get “selected” or not, if you learn something new from engaging with us, then it will give you a great experience. The knowledge gained will be worth the time and efforts you’ve invested to go through our recruitment process. It will help you in the long run as a professional. Of course, we also benefit, having gained knowledge from you. 🙂

360 degree feedback.

It doesn’t matter whether you get selected or not, you get comprehensive written feedback from us throughout your process. We share in detail what we loved about you and why. We also share what we feel are your areas of improvement and how you could address them. The feedback is constructive and helpful.

Similarly, we ask you for your feedback for our evaluation process. We ask you to share your inputs on how we can make the “candidate experience” for you better.

Why — Many reasons 🙂

  1. Transparency is a core value that Technogise lives by. We want to ensure that we are as clear and transparent with potential Technogisers, as we are with our fellow teammates and clients.
  2. We respect the time and efforts you invest in going through our evaluations. Therefore, you deserve to know the comprehensive feedback for those efforts.
  3. We believe that our recruitment process should continuously evolve to give the best candidate experience, and your feedback is obviously the most important asset for it.

Excited? Let’s catch up 🙂. Ping us at hello@technogise.com




An energetic software startup crafting world class software solutions for global clients.