People Function — Support or Business Function?

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5 min readOct 6, 2023

In the realm of Human Resources (HR), the term “Support Function” has long been ingrained. Despite the transformative changes in practices over the years, many organizations still perceive People primarily as a support role rather than a strategic partner. This perspective often results in People departments being undervalued and, in some cases, neglected. People Team tends to be the last department considered for hiring in many organizations.

However, the business landscape has evolved, recognizing that the success of an organization is fundamentally tied to its people. People now encompasses a wide array of responsibilities, including talent acquisition, management, retention, and culture-building. It also involves establishing systems, tools, guidelines, and compliance measures to ensure the smooth operation of an organization.

In light of these developments, it is worth reconsidering whether the traditional label of “Support Function” is still appropriate. Perhaps it’s time to view people as a “Business Strategy Function” rather than an order follower.

Some organizations have already made strides in recognizing the strategic importance of HR, and Technogise is one such example. At Technogise, the People Function plays a vital role in shaping the business and its strategy. It works collaboratively with the Business, Delivery, and Engineering functions to not only grow the business but also build a thriving organization.

Here are some key practices that set Technogise apart:

Collaborative Staffing and Recruitment: The recruitment team actively participates in decision-making processes related to hiring numbers, roles, and required skills. Their involvement extends to discussions on business prospects and the utilization of existing people, ensuring alignment with the organization’s goals and values.

Thought Leadership: Technogise recognizes the importance of thought leadership, not just internally but also within the broader community. The People Team takes the lead in driving this initiative, promoting knowledge sharing and growth among our People.

Emphasis on Belonging: Instead of relying solely on rigid policies, Technogise focuses on creating a workplace culture where our People feel a strong sense of belonging. Instead of policies we rely on guidelines that provide some flexibility to individuals. We make sure our People understands what the organization expects from them and know they have flexibility when needed. This sense of security leads to stronger feelings of belonging and, in turn, helps us retain our valuable team members.

Culture as a Collective Effort: An organisation’s culture can manifest in your interactions, even with your clients. Technogise firmly believes that culture belongs to everyone, and thus, the People Team collaborates with People to drive and enhance the company’s culture.

Living Values: Unlike organizations where values often remain confined to documents, Technogise brings its values to life. These values are actively discussed and integrated into daily actions, strengthening the organizational culture. Having strong values ensures that people practice these in their interactions with colleagues and clients which also upholds the business value proposition.

Engagement Aligned with Purpose: Technogise links and drives People engagement with its shared purpose and values, which in turn motivates our People to actively contribute to the organization’s mission.

Holistic Well-being: The company goes beyond addressing physical and intellectual well-being by providing comprehensive support, including mental and emotional assistance. This approach ensures that our People are not only physically healthy but also emotionally secure and motivated to excel in their roles. They can focus on their core work rather than worrying about getting support for their well-being needs.

360-Degree Growth: Technogise promotes holistic growth by encouraging Our people to develop not only their core skills but also their abilities as mentors and leaders. Technogise provides a clear growth path that allows individuals to adapt their journey as needed. What this does is that if people grow and are happy to invest the time for their growth, the retention and the development of the organisation are affected too.

Business Alignment: To truly function as a Business Strategy Function, People Function at Technogise ensures that its initiatives align with the organization’s business objectives. They track and measure the return on investment to demonstrate the value People initiatives bring to both our People and the business.

The results of these efforts are impressive. Attrition rates have dropped significantly, which translates into improved client satisfaction due to the stability of their delivery teams. In essence, Technogise has built a well-rounded organization that places people at the center and shapes the business around them, benefiting our People, candidates, vendors, and clients alike.

However, transforming People Function into a strategic function is not without its challenges. It requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to change. For those entering the People field or seeking to make a difference, here are some recommendations:

Engage with Leadership: Establish alignment with the organization’s leadership to gain support for making People a strategic function.

Persistence is Key: Transforming mindsets and overturning stereotypes takes time. Don’t give up or compromise on your goals; keep pushing for change.

Demonstrate Impact: Showcase the difference between a support function and a strategic one by taking on small projects that yield tangible results.

Reverse Interviewing: When job-seeking, ask questions that reveal the organization’s attitude toward People. This will help you gauge the level of effort required to effect change.

Master the Business: To drive People Function as a strategic function, understand your organization’s industry, market, and competition. This knowledge allows you to align People strategies with business realities.

Business-Centric Approach: While people remain central, adopt a business outlook in all People activities to strike a balance between People welfare and organizational success.

Start with Self: Be the catalyst for change by altering your own mindset. Leading by example is often the most effective way to inspire others to change.

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the focus on people is paramount. People Function must have a seat at the decision-making table, recognizing that our People, partners, and clients are all integral to an organization’s success. The People Function, once relegated to a supporting role, should now play a pivotal, strategic role in shaping the future of businesses.




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