Rails magic — let! method

Mayank Dhanawade
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023

I was working on writing a spec, I created data using the factory for my test but could not see that data when I ran the test. This is how the data was created initially.

Old code

You see I created data just before the test, but when I ran the test I kept getting the length as 0.

Upon further investigation, I found out that let is lazy evaluated i.e. it will not be evaluated until the method it defines is invoked. Since I didn't call or use item anywhere the data was not created.

To confirm this I added a binding.pry just before the expect and printed the item, when I continued the binding the test passed.

To solve this you can use let! it will force the method’s invocation before each test. The let! is called in sort of a before block, so the item is evaluated and cached before the “it” block runs.

New code

Now the get_items will return the created item.

P.S. This blog is just a small learning I came across while debugging my code, there might be other ways to solve this, but the scope of this blog was just highlighting the let! method.

Thanks for reading!!



Mayank Dhanawade

Developer, travel blogger, wildlife and landscape photographer