The Circuit Breaker Pattern: Essential Resilience for Microservice Architectures

Prathamesh Deshmukh
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2024
Circuit breaker in Electrical Engineering


In the realm of micro service architectures, where applications are composed of interconnected yet independent services, the risk of partial failures is high. A single unresponsive service can trigger a chain reaction of disruptions. The Circuit Breaker pattern provides an indispensable safeguard to mitigate this risk.

The Challenge: Cascading Failures in Distributed Systems

The distributed nature of microservices introduces an inherent vulnerability. When Service A relies on a malfunctioning or sluggish Service B, the consequences can ripple throughout the application. Consider an e-commerce scenario:

  1. User Intent: A customer initiates the “Place Order” action.
  2. Inter-Service Communication: The Order Service engages with Inventory, Payment, Shipping, and other relevant services.
  3. Dependency Failure: Payment Service experiences delays or complete unavailability.
  4. Chain Reaction: The Order Service stalls, leading to user frustration and potential system-wide instability.

The Circuit Breaker as Solution

The Circuit Breaker pattern, inspired by electrical safety mechanisms, intervenes to isolate failures and prevent broader outages. Here’s the breakdown:

Intelligent Proxies

  • Timeouts: Requests cannot wait indefinitely; deadlines create points for quick failure.
  • Request Throttling: Services are protected from being overwhelmed by a barrage of requests.
  • The Circuit Breaker Mechanism: It monitors success/failure rates. A threshold of errors triggers the circuit to “open.”

Circuit Open: Course of Action

Option 1: Informative Error Message: The user is notified of the temporary issue.

Option 2: Fallback Strategies:

  • Default Values: Partial functionality is preserved (e.g., order placement without calculated shipping).
  • Cached Data: Slightly outdated information may be preferable to unresponsiveness.

Circuit Breaker in Practice

In the above e-commerce example, a circuit breaker in place around the Order Service would act as follows:

  1. Payment Service falters.
  2. Proxies enforce timeouts after a predetermined duration.
  3. The circuit breaker “trips” upon repeated failures, blocking further calls to Payment Service.
  4. Outcomes:
  • Fallback: A clear message informs the user of temporary issues.
  • System Resilience: Other users and core functionalities remain unaffected.

5. Recovery: The circuit breaker allows periodic test requests. Successful responses reset the circuit to its “closed” state.

Important Considerations

  • Purpose: Circuit Breakers focus on system health, not fixing the underlying fault.
  • Fallback Tradeoffs: Consider the balance between partial functionality and the risk of erroneous data.
  • Architectural Fit: The complexity of your system dictates the necessity of circuit breakers.

Further Exploration

