A Long Walk to Water: Involvement of Islam

Lesson Plan#1 & #2 — A Long Walk to Water

Literacy & Tech Content Areas: Medium Post #2

Teacher: Ms. Kaufman

Grade: 11th

Lesson Plan Model: #1 Independent reading, #2 Guided Instruction, & #3 Oral Presentation

Subject: Social Studies and English Language Arts

Lesson Topic(s): A Long Walk to Water, Muslim studies

Standards (include grade level specific details of the standards):

SSCS 1: Upon Graduation — End of Grade 12:

1. analyze and adapt an inquiry process (i.e., identify question or problem, locate and evaluate potential resources, gather and synthesize information, create a new product, and evaluate product and process).

SSCS 6: Upon Graduation — End of Grade 12:

1. analyze and evaluate the ways various groups (e.g., social, political, cultural) meet human needs and concerns (e.g., individual needs, common good) and contribute to personal identity.

Grand Challenges:

Valuing World Cultures

• Shed light on the interconnections among world cultures.

• Add to knowledge of migrations, diasporas, and interactions of cultural groups.


  1. Given the activity of a directed reading-thinking activity as mentioned in chapter 8 of 50 routines students will read chapter one of A Long Walk to Water and use the form provided in figure 8.1 to record their thoughts before, during, and after reading chapter one.
  2. Given that the students have engaged in a brief instructor led lecture on the Islam and muslim culture, they will be prepared to research and collect information to individually present a Haiku Deck on an selected topic related to Islam or Muslim culture.

Materials and Supplies:

Pre-assessment: Up to this point in the class students will have briefly discussed the book A Long Walk to Water


  1. Students will be assigned chapter one of ALWtW (this is the scene where Salva’s village is attacked while he is in school, and he mentions Muslims from the North who practice the beliefs of Islam). During reading students will be asked to complete their notes in their journals using figure 8.1 from 50 Routines.

DR-TA for (title): _________________________________________________

Prediction question(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Using the title, your own background knowledge, and any other contextual clues, make your predictions.

Before reading:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

During reading:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After reading:____________________________________________________________

  • Ms. Kaufman will then give Prezi presentation on the basic background of the Muslim people and Islam. Students will be encouraged to ask questions, misconceptions and misunderstandings will hopefully be addressed during this lecture.
  • Following presentation, students will be assigned a research project to complete individually, and will require the completion of a Haiku Deck oral-presentation.
  • The topics that students may choose from will be:

Islam: Its Founding and Background

Islam: Growth & Spread of Islamic Civilizations

Current Islamic Civilizations

  • Students will be assigned research as homework and will be given a lab day to finish up research and presentations (teacher monitoring appropriate progress).
  • Presentations will be 10–15 minutes long, should be engaging, appropriate and factual, and student should exhibit professional communication skills. Will be graded by CCSS aligned rubric http://www.bie.org/object/document/9_12_presentation_rubric_ccss_aligned



Mindy Kaufman
Technology and Literacy in K-12 Content Areas

I am a future teacher who believes in the power of good educators, and that through our fearless leadership we may enact positive social change.