AI and the need for Humans in the Future

As the year 2020 moves along and we continue to develop new forms of technology, the power of this technology has increased. Artificial intelligence has taken its course and it is only a matter of time before it takes over a big percentage of work in a human’s world. This intelligence will eventually take over in some businesses, and eliminate the need for humans to be involved. I am currently attending the University at Buffalo and working towards a masters in accounting, and I am afraid that the need for humans to complete my field of work will not be needed in the foreseeable future. The thing is, accounting is not the only field of work that will be affected by the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Even today we see cars, delivery services, and software that runs on its own and can effectively perform at a top level. That being said, the rate at which technology replaces humans in work could increase dramatically. This raises three big questions: (1) What happens when one’s job is taken over by Artificial Intelligence? In a world that evolves at an exponential rate, there has to be an alternative and an answer to the loss of jobs that will result from the AI take over. If new jobs aren’t created for humans, there has to be a new system of work, or even a new lifestyle we haven’t seen yet. (2) Is it possible for Artificial Intelligence to become so powerful where we lose control of it? I am fearful that those developing Artificial Intelligence may end up creating a monster that can dominate humans in the future. One can only imagine the power technology can harness when we already see self driving cars. (3) How close are we to being in this new era of improved technology? As scary as it sounds, I believe that we are within a few years of an Artificial Intelligence takeover. It is only a matter of time before it is completely active in the world today, and we have innovators such as Elon Musk who are making advancements ahead of their time. In order to prepare yourself for this new wave of technology, one has to be prepared to have a backup plan if a career is taken over, and one should be actively updated on new developments so they are aware of the future changes in technology. We are in a changing world, and if we aren’t careful, us humans may be left in the dust by new advances in efficient technology.

