Highs and lows of AI’s performance

After interviewing my father and getting to know why the implementation of Artificial Intelligence could be good or bad for the future, I wanted to know why there were mixed views. After doing some research, I found an article that talked about data entry and how Artificial Intelligence would replace most humans to prevent the simple mistakes that made us go back and forth over and over again.

Data entry is a very redundant kind of job where you document information into a database and organize it for future use. But with the use of AI and the future of technology, this job can be fully performed by automated systems that make little to no errors at all. Eliminating the human factor in data entry would be revolutionary and make for much quicker and stress free work. In Hadia Nassim’s medium post “How Technology is Overruling the Human Involvement in Data Entry,” she describes human errors that are costly to a business and take up too much time. As a result of AI implementation, she says, “When there is a major involvement of textual information, the chances of manual errors are higher. The human errors can be a spelling mistake, typing mistake, incorrect formatting etc. With technology involved in data entry services, better accuracy and lower costs are ensured (2018). Hadia claims that as a result of this AI, a new wave of efficiency will come and human involvement in data entry will be lowered at an exponential rate. AI will allow for the most efficient work for a business, and it will allow for the most stressful, time-consuming, and costly work to be done with ease.

Hadia also claims that even though this new technology will eliminate a ton of errors and be quicker, the human involvement is needed after all. This technology will soon replace the people in the data entry field, but the accuracy of the AI will be halted unless the perfect conditions are present for the technology to work efficiently. She says that the right document is required in order for the results to be one hundred percent, so when there is a miscalculation, the people are needed once again in order to correct the mistakes (2018). I’m sure that this is just the early stage of the process, and that there will be a perfect example of AI entering data into a system, but for now, we can expect that errors will be there. The AI can ensure an efficient rate of entry, but a spot on entry may not be there. After looking over Hadia’s post and researching on the topic, humans are needed in order for AI to be successful in the future. There is no way for a business to operate without the supervision of a real human being. That being said, I also believe that there will be a time where AI completely takes over a field of business, but we’re only taking baby steps in that process at the moment.

Nassim, H. (2018, July 30). How Technology is Overruling the Human Involvement in Data Entry. Medium. https://medium.com/@hadianassim/how-technology-is-overruling-the-human-involvement-in-data-entry-813dd014a173

