How powerful is Artificial Intelligence?

We can expect to see the continued implementation of artificial intelligence in the future. Whether it be in business, government, or even sports, the potential impact of this technology could enable us to see the future we used to dream about. Once it is released and tested in the public, people will truly understand how powerful this technology really is.

World powers such as China and Russia have began planning the use of artificial intelligence to expand their control on the world. The more control you have over the world, the more power you obtain in the world rankings. That being said, China and Russia plan to use the technology to move up and become the most dominant countries of the future by surpassing the United States. After some research on the topic, I found an article by Benjamin Fricke about the future of this technology. In his article “Artificial Intelligence, 5g and the Future Balance of Power,” Fricke describes the ways in which China will use artificial intelligence to increase global power. Fricke says, “China’s modern information and communications technologies will enable the Communist Party of China and the Peoples’ Liberation Army to monitor and control not only their own, but other countries’ societies, industries, and governments. And this will done by digital means in areas that were previously managed physically” (2020). Fricke explains that China will be able to control businesses, militaries, communication, and much more through the use of technology that isn’t controlled by humans. This is power we don’t even think about today, and it is only a matter of time before anything like this begins.

Fricke’s overall view on the goal of Artificial Intelligence is that whoever enables themselves to control A.I. will control the future. He talks about Russia and their attempts to expand their global control, and he agrees with what Vladimir Putin had said in the past, “whoever controls artificial intelligence will control the world” (Fricke, 2020). Russia has already realized that the future of world power is through the use of this new technology, and it will change the way that everyone functions. The new norm will be the coinciding with new technology and the use of more technology to help become more efficient as humans. If one can control various sectors of the world without even touching it, the possibilities for future businesses are infinite. At this point in time, you can expect that the minimum wage to low paying jobs will be eliminated and taken over by the artificial intelligence of the future.

Fricke, B. (2020, January 1) Artificial Intelligence, 5G and the Future Balance of Power. JSTOR.

