Interviewing a Business Professional

I am only a student, at the moment, and there is much more that I need to learn in order to completely grasp what is ahead of me in the field of business. Whether it be through experience, asking questions, or even watching from the outside, there is plenty that I can do to better prepare myself for the future. That being said, first hand experience in the field of business is definitely important as to whether or not a change in the future will impact everyone. I conducted a one on one interview with my father, who currently holds a management position at HSBC bank, and asked him some questions about what the future holds and whether or not AI will be beneficial in the future.

My father, on the left, has been in the banking industry for over 25 years, and his experience in the banking system helped me get a better perspective on the topic of AI. After a series of questions, I compiled his answers and cut them down to two big points. The first major question was: How do you see the future of banking being affected by implementation of Artificial Intelligence? He answered, “Any way that my job can be made easier is a win-win situation in my book. And if my job is at the most efficient level of production with Artificial Intelligence, then I am all for it.” This is exactly what I had expected anyone to say about their job. I feel, and so does my father, that whenever a job has an easier route, why do we ever avoid going down it. Every job in the world is updated and evaluated so there is a maximum production level. Professional sports now have every angle of a call in order for it to be the correct call. So according to my dad, if using AI is the next step to making the right call, then there is no reason why implementing it is prevented.

Of course there is always going to be a human aspect of a business whether it be at the top or the bottom of the hierarchy, so the second major question I asked my father helped me understand why there are some doubts and as to why AI is hesitated to be fully introduced into the world. I asked him: Do you believe that replacing human labor with Artificial Intelligence is the way to go? He then answered: “I personally feel that even though I want my employees to be as efficient as possible, the human aspect of what we do at HSBC is unmatched. Customer service and financial planning requires the human interaction that we provide, and if that is eliminated, then I don’t know if I would be able to continue.” This answer surprised me, but at the same time, it makes sense. Human interaction is something that we, as a species, have perfected and designed in order to develop relationships and trust with others. Without it, the world would consist of a lack of trust in others, and customers would never open their doors to something new. My dad makes a great point when he says the “human aspect of what we do is unmatched” because what he means is that without the face to face talks, or the over the phone help, the business would never be the same.

As a result of my interview, I concluded that business could develop into the most efficient they have ever been, with the implementation of AI, but as a result, limit the customer interactions with the employees that would eventually leave the company lacking the trust they need from everyone who walks into the building. And as a result, decrease the amount of business they provide, even though it is as efficient as we have ever seen it.

