How Advancements in Medical Technology Can Affect Us and Our Jobs

Emily Mcclinsey
Technology and the Future of Work
2 min readSep 23, 2018

Everyday, technology gets more and more advanced. Everywhere we turn, we see something new in the world of technology. From phones, to cars, to even kitchen appliances, there is something new always available. Something not everyone thinks about is how this may affect us and the workforce in the future. What is going to happen to us and our jobs?

There have already been some instances of technology taking away peoples’ jobs. For example, some robots and technology are able to perform surgery and other medical tasks. The Summerlin Hospital Medical Center in Las Vegas, NV, has an array of different procedures that can be performed by robots. From kidney to prostate surgery, it can be done. That is what I am going to focus my research on, the technological advancements in the medical field. I find it very interesting how these machines can perform such intense and advanced tasks. We are constantly researching and advancing in medical technology, so how will this affect us and our jobs in the future?

Robots performing procedures at The Summerlin Hospital Medical Center

Benefits and Concerns

I also want to research how this will benefit us. Maybe this could create even more jobs for people. Maybe these robots will be so advance that they will do their jobs more precise and efficient than humans ever could. I am mostly curious of the negative effects though. So many things go wrong with technology on a day to day basis, even just our phones. Sometimes when we are doing something important, our phone stops working. What is going to happen if something goes wrong during a surgery/procedure?

Thinking about all of this, what kind of traits are we all going to have to learn in the future? I believe we will need a lot of knowledge about technology. I want to research if there are some jobs that we can do that robots will never be capable of.

