photo: of Algerian electronic currency

Algeria wants to ban Bitcoin and other virtual currencies

PLF 2018:Algeria wants to ban Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies

Happy Tech
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2017


After a change in the flow of the Internet from Algeria Telecom and rising prices Today a decision is issued by the Algerian government forbid cryptocurrencies. According to the 2018 Finance Bill, currently under consideration at the National People’s Congress (NPC), virtual currencies like Bitcoin will be banned from transactions and even possession.

“The purchase, sale, use and holding of the so-called virtual currency is prohibited. The virtual currency is the one used by Internet users through the web. It is characterized by the absence of physical support such as coins, banknotes, payments by check or bank cards “, according to article 113 of the PLF 2018 which stipulates:” Any violation of this provision is punished in accordance with the laws and regulations in force “.

In the explanatory memorandum, it is stated that through this measure, “Algeria hopes to establish a stricter control over this kind of digital transactions, which can be used for drug trafficking, tax evasion, and money laundering thanks to the guaranteed anonymity of its users “.

The document recalls that not being under the control of a recognized authority, the virtual currency escapes any regulation and control of the State. For the government, these currencies that have “long been the prerogative of illegal transactions (money laundering and illegal money transfer, drug trafficking, financing of terrorism, etc.)” tend to “get rid of their bad reputation in democratizing and attracting a wider audience. “

Hidden currencies are increasingly used in legal transactions and even the country of Algeria is not immune to this phenomenon, which could affect the Algerian government.

