How to Become a Mobile App Developer -Beginner’s Guide to App Development

Mark R.
Technology Buzz
Published in
12 min readJan 29, 2024
How to Become a Mobile App Developer -Beginner’s Guide to App Development

For a while, many businesses hired external organizations to develop their mobile apps due to limited budgets and the time taken to build them. But now, small businesses develop mobile apps in-house between helpful development platforms and software programs that do much of the groundwork.

For internal or client usage, there are many businesses that are now recognizing the value of mobile app development. While developing an app for the first time might be intimidating, it can also be a really fulfilling experience. With the help of this all-inclusive guide, you will able to create a successful app.

So, now let’s move on to “how to learn app development,” a fundamental step that bridges the basic concept of an app to its final development and launch.

Points to Consider Before Developing a Mobile App

Here, we have mentioned some points that you should consider before investing time and resources into creating a mobile app. While developing a mobile app is relatively simple, rather than organizing a digital strategy may be difficult.

  • You Need to Decide Your Operating System

At this point, iOS and Android are the two main operating systems. You might be confused about the app and its functionality with the operating system. App functioning will be directly impacted by decisions made about software compatibility.

Future development objectives will often be best served by a cross-platform framework or an app that runs on both iOS and Android. Because more people will be able to use your app, it’s an easy approach to position it for long-term success. Think about your development goals for the app to help you in your decision.

  • You Should be Aware of Your Target Audience

Ensure that you are well-versed in the target persona. Recognize the characteristics of your target audience, including their objectives, habits, and preferred platforms and mobile devices. This is where you may use app promotion. Also, make sure that your target audience continues to enjoy using the app and customize it according to their needs

  • You Should Always be Ready with a Concept Proof App Idea

Before diving into the detailed work and starting the actual development, ask yourself if your app solves a real problem. If it does, think about the ways it will provide help. Alternatively, if the app is tailored to your organization, think about how it aligns with your company’s objectives.

Taking a moment to ponder these aspects early in the development cycle can give you a glimpse into your app’s potential trajectory. Decide on what’s most important for the app and ensure that you and your team are on the same page regarding these primary objectives. This will give you a solid foundation from which to commence development.

  • Keep Yourself Updated about the Trends

Take the time to investigate whether your app concept is already available in the market. It’s important to avoid the disappointment of creating an app only to discover a similar one exists, which might make your app seem less innovative than you initially thought.

Ensure that your app’s approach is distinct and tailored to either you or your organization and that it’s easy to use for your intended audience. For business-specific apps, it’s wise to examine what your competitors are doing to understand how your app will compare to those already out there.

  • Plan Your Own App Design and Security

The design of your app plays a crucial role in its success. It is important that the app should have features like a user-friendly interface. The simpler it is to navigate, the more likely users are going to download the app and use it. Prioritizing content and security is also vital. Users often store important and sensitive data on their phones, so incorporating robust data protection features and privacy settings is key. The stronger and more advanced the security measures in your app, the better.

Now let’s move on to “How to become an app developer?” in 9 simple steps:

Step-by-Step Guide to Develop an App

Developing an application is a process that takes time. Your development team needs to take a lot of precautions to make sure your app launches correctly. In this beginner’s guide to app development, we have curated simple nine-step methods to get started creating a new mobile application:

Step 1. Build a Development Team

Creating an app has become more accessible thanks to various software and online app-building tools. However, mastering any programming language is a significant challenge, akin to learning a new language. The process of app development is complex and typically requires a collaborative effort. A mobile app consists of many intricate parts that need to be skillfully integrated.

Therefore, the initial step in app creation should be forming a skilled team. To develop an app effectively, you’ll find it extremely beneficial to have a team composed of people with diverse skills and backgrounds.

Assembling a distributed team allows you to craft an app with top-notch independent talent. This approach lets you go beyond your personal expertise and geographical limitations, enabling you to select independent professionals, each with their unique abilities. To get started, visit MobileAppDaily to find the Top Mobile App Development Companies for your project.

What all your app development team should include?

  • Product Manager: They will help you develop technical specifications documents, roadmaps, deadlines, and requirements and also guide the team.
  • Mobile Developer: Help you code functionality and integrate APIs, databases, and more.
  • UX/UI Designer: Helps you design the graphics, icons, and animations. Also, they make sure that the app is both engaging and highly intuitive.
  • Quality Assurance Analyst: Helps you test your apps and makes sure that they run smoothly on every device. Also, they look into the code and find bugs, UX writing errors, and more.
  • Digital Marketer: Help you launch your app successfully by using search engine optimization (SEO) and setting up mobile analytics.

App development teams can often expand to include various specialized roles. In larger groups, for example, you might find positions such as a UX writer, software developer, software engineer, web engineer, and technical writer.

Step 2. Try to Conduct Competitive Research

With over 2.20 million apps available for Apple users and more than 3.40 million for Android users, grasping the competitive landscape and customer needs is crucial to making your app stand out.

Begin by examining the market to identify what similar apps your competitors have developed. Analyze what they have done well and their shortcomings. This kind of research can provide you with valuable insights into customer preferences and what unique approaches you should adopt.

It’s equally important to understand the market you are entering. You need to be clear about why the market needs your app and how your solution addresses problems differently. At this stage, consider engaging with potential users. Getting feedback through customer interviews can offer direct insights into their requirements. This can guide your team in developing features that other companies might have overlooked, thereby giving your app a competitive advantage.

Step 3. Establish Core Features

Now, it’s time to define the essential features of your app. Understanding what the market lacks and what your target audience is looking for allows you to focus on key features that others have overlooked.

Typically, mobile app developers aim to create an app that is intuitive, easy to use, customizable, and straightforward in navigation. Beyond these fundamental aspects, consider additional features that could differentiate your app from competitors. Essential attributes like simplicity, quick performance, and high-quality image resolution are crucial for a positive user experience.

Think about including cross-platform compatibility, which allows your app to function on various operating systems. Adding a search function can greatly enhance user engagement, especially for e-commerce and social media apps, although it might be less relevant for best gaming apps.

Another aspect to consider is enabling features like push notifications or social media integration. These can provide users with tailored and timely information, keeping them engaged over time.

While exploring these exciting features, remember to align them with your business’s financial resources. For instance, advanced options like facial recognition for login might be costly to implement. Keep in mind that you can always add new features or updates after your app goes live.

Step 4. Create Mockups

After you have gathered the necessary requirements and identified the main features, it’s vital to get a user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designer to create a mockup, template, and sometimes even a tutorial to showcase what the app will look like.

A mockup provides a comprehensive visual plan of the app’s design. It usually features a consistent color scheme and typography and includes images, the basic layout, and other design elements. If done well, a mockup should offer the development team a clear preview of the app’s appearance and functionality.

Some of the benefits of a mockup include:

  • Enables the app’s development team to make changes to its look.
  • It displays investors before the development team starts writing code if that’s your goal.
  • Outlines the requirements for the development team.

Step 5. Plan Great App Security

Security is one of the most important features your app may have, and it’s the next stage in the development process. It is critical to stop hackers from stealing user data. A single app breach may cost your business millions of dollars in lost revenue in addition to user losses.

Make sure the mobile platform and app are both safe by doing the following:

  • Authorized APIs

An integral component of the programming development process is the application programming interface (API). Verify that the APIs you utilize for your application adhere to the platform’s requirements for verification.

  • Tamper-Detection Software

Think about integrating mobile-specific security measures, such as tamper-detection software and other third-party applications, to thwart hackers in their tracks. Interprocess communication (IPC), for instance, is a security feature that permits communication between different programs and systems. Several more apps designed specifically for Apple and Android devices, as well as other UI security features, can support anti-tampering strategies.

  • Encrypted Data

Encrypting sensitive personal data that is strewn across your app’s software is a smart idea. Encryption of the local database, cache, or API communication are examples of appropriate security measures.

  • Constant Testing for Potential Breaches

Ensure that you regularly test for breaches. Always examine your code at regular intervals during the development process. When the app launches, find possible security holes before someone else does.

  • Strong Authentication

Make sure that the application uses the proper user session authorization — or tokens — and cryptographic key management. Each device is frequently given a token, which has a variable session expiry time.

Step 6: Start With Coding

When you begin coding, there are a few things to take into account. The front end and back end of the code come first. Front-end development deals with the application’s “face,” or what the user will see. Back-end development is the study of the “behind the scenes” code that controls an application’s functionality.

Suppose you are in charge of managing a group of developers who are divided between front-end and back-end tasks. To guarantee a finished result that is coherent, you should coordinate work procedures. It might be helpful to adopt an Agile project management technique, which enables effective, flexible, and adaptive coding.

Additionally, establish a test environment where your team codes. Establishing a suitable testing environment to verify the software’s operation is essential to guarantee a successful end product. Considerations for the test environment include the operating system, network, front-end environment, and database server. To make sure that test data is precise and detailed, you may also assign a bug-reporting tool.

Step 7: Try to Perform Multiple Tests

When an app is being developed on a short budget, it might be tempting to skip thorough testing, yet quality assurance (QA) is one of the most important components. Because the app development industry is so competitive, quality assurance must be carried out at every stage of the process. In this manner, before the app is made available to users, your team may swiftly fix any errors and make any enhancements.

When testing, the QA team should consider the following:

  • Front-end vs. back-end functionality

Does the mobile application seem as intended to users on the front end? Does the application operate as intended on the back end? For instance, does a pop-up message that the user clicks on really disappear? Is the little “X” that you click to remove it appropriately displayed?

  • Device compatibility

The application must be tested on the intended operating system (iOS, Android, or both). Additionally, the QA team has to verify compatibility with various operating system versions (e.g., Android 7.0 versus Android 10.0). Other device-specific factors to take into account include whether the app’s display suits the screen size.

  • App Integration

Is the integration functional if the main purpose of the app interacts with additional capabilities, such as the phone’s camera or another app like Google Maps?

  • Application Type

A hybrid app must be tested for its whole range of capabilities on both platforms if its goal is to act as both a web and mobile application.

  • Storage and Installation

Does the application install properly on the designated hardware and operating system? Look out for the app’s size as well. An app that is too big will take up a lot of space on the user’s phone and might discourage them from installing it at all.

  • Security Optimization

The security of mobile apps is a popular subject. Verify security by making sure the source code is secure, testing for vulnerabilities, and validating input. It’s also essential to take further precautions, such as verifying that HTTPS and SSL/TLS security layers are implemented.

The QA step helps teams in making sure the program is prepared for release.

Step 8. Collect and Implement User Feedback

Before the official launch, the app must undergo a final evaluation by a group of test users. While the development team has designed the app based on customer needs, input from individuals unfamiliar with the app can provide essential feedback, ensuring it caters to users of varying expertise.

By testing the app with a diverse group of users, your development team can gain a deeper understanding of user preferences and check if the app meets their expectations. This step allows for fine-tuning of key features to suit a wide range of users better before the app becomes publicly available.

After the app is launched, continuing to gather user feedback is important for making ongoing updates and improvements. One effective way to collect post-launch feedback is through analytics, which can reveal how customers interact with the app and pinpoint areas that may need refinement. These insights are invaluable for making adjustments and enhancing the app before a broader market release.

Step 9. Launch in the app store

The final step is submitting your app to an app store. The specific rules and guidelines your app must adhere to vary depending on the app store you choose. Each app store, such as the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, has its own set of requirements for submitted apps.

Developers often choose to release their app on just one platform, like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This focus on a single platform can make the app development process more straightforward, as your team only needs to create and optimize one version of the app.

So, this was all about how to become an app developer from scratch. However, creating an app just for Apple or Google Play may restrict your audience. Although there are disadvantages to both app stores, creating a cross-platform app guarantees strong visibility and the possibility of gaining more users.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. How much does it cost to make a mobile app?

The cost of making a mobile app varies based on several things, like how big your team is, the materials and tools you use, and other expenses related to app creation. Usually, it’s more expensive to hire another company to make your app than doing it yourself.

Q2. How long does it take to make a mobile app?

Typically, creating a small mobile app takes around one to two months. If your app is bigger or more complex, it’ll take longer, possibly between three to six months for large, intricate apps.

Q3. Can you update a mobile app after it’s released?

Yes, you can. After launching your app, you can roll out updates to fix any small issues or enhance features that might be outdated.

Q4. Can your mobile app handle payments?

Your app can process payments and allow users to buy things through it. If your app is already built, think about adding a feature for mobile payments.

Enjoy the Benefits of Mobile App Development

Creating an app is not just fulfilling, but it can also be very profitable. Following these steps will help you develop and launch a successful app.

Many businesses and startups find that hiring remote talent is an effective way to get the best people in the industry to create a great product. Upwork can help you connect with an independent mobile app developer to start your project.



Mark R.
Technology Buzz

Join Mark R. on an illuminating journey through the ever-changing world of technology, where insightful analysis meets a genuine passion for innovation.