How to get better at digital marketing?

Mark R.
Technology Buzz
Published in
6 min readNov 14, 2023

Digital marketing is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of activities, including social media promotion, website marketing, SEO, pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, affiliate marketing, and more. As most businesses are getting digitalized worldwide, the demand for digital marketing professionals is rising.

The popularity of digital marketing is continuing to grow, and several stats are displaying the same. For instance, a Statista report suggests that in 2023, the global digital advertising market will attract a collective approximate spending of $679.80 billion.

Understanding the Digital Marketing Landscape

The average modern digital marketing strategy remains diverse to tackle the competition in the modern digital world. However, what digital marketing tips might work for your or your client’s business depends on your target audience’s nature.

Here are a few categories of digital marketing tools for which digital marketing experts often go. You can also use these components as parts of questions to ask a marketing agency and figure out whether their expertise aligns with your goals or not. Let’s have a look!

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- SEO is one of the most popular digital marketing channels used to boost the visibility of websites. The process uses keywords, meta titles and descriptions, interlinking, backlinking, webpage optimization, loading time optimization, and more.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing- This digital advertising model requires paying a fee for every clock the digital marketer attracts. In a way, online marketing businesses use this channel to purchase visitors and conversions by paying for every lead.
  • Content marketing- This digital marketing strategy covers the marketing approach that will be used to target the audience. Reels, tweets, Instagram posts, etc., have become popular digital marketing tools in the current digital marketing scenario. Online marketing tools like reels have also turned out to be some of the most engaging online marketing tools out there. Digital advertising companies are using reels for engaging videos, tutorials, and even user guides to promote their services. Reels are also helpful in ad campaigns, as platforms like Instagram support video ads.
  • Social media marketing- Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and more have billions of people using them. So, involving one of these or multiple platforms in your digital marketing plans is critical. Social media marketing involves many activities, including creating reels, infographics, stories, etc.
  • Affiliate marketing- Using affiliate marketing to promote your brand is recommended under essential digital marketing tips by expert marketers out there. This involves paying a commission to a third party to promote your brand or product.
  • Influencer marketing- Leading digital marketing companies are partnering up with influencers to promote their clients on social media platforms. Several social media and video streaming platforms have influencers with massive audience bases that tell their users about a product or service.
  • Marketing automation tools- These tools are becoming popular among digital marketing companies in the USA and in other corners of the world. Using their AI-supported abilities like predictive analytics, these tools can automate campaigns, customer data integration, and more. Businesses are referring such to digital marketing techniques to make more informed decisions and attract the best ROIs.

How to get better at digital marketing? A few steps to follow

Now that you are clear with the components of a successful digital marketing strategy, here are some steps to make you a better digital marketer.

  1. Setting Up for Success: Establishing Clear Goals

Almost all digital marketing tips recommend finalizing the goal first. So, you can figure out what you want to achieve by adopting the digital marketing approach. While finalizing the goal, you decide the engagement you want, the number of leads, the targeted audience, targeted promotional platforms, and more.

2. Staying up-to-date with digital trends

Now, apart from getting to know the components of the best marketing strategies that we discussed above, it is critical to remain updated with the evolving trends. That helps you have the upper hand in the competitive landscape compared to those who are still relying on old methods.

3. Identifying business and marketing objectives

Statistics help you identify the goals of digital advertising. You get to find what methods are going to be more effective and who your targeted audience is. Defining marketing objectives before you kickstart digital marketing planning is also helpful in ensuring the optimum utilization of resources.

4. Audience Analysis and Buyer Personas

Before finalizing your digital marketing strategy, you will need to put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers. That is called creating a buyer persona. A buyer persona helps you sort out your options that are more relevant to your marketing objectives. This saves resources and time while eliminating or reducing wastages.

Essential digital marketing tips recommend using statistics, predictive analytics, and other such tools to get accurate insights to create perfect buyer personas.

5. Mastering SEO and Content Marketing

Your web presence has to be precisely customized to attract attention and conversions. For that, you will need to develop the right content marketing and SEO tactics. Outsourcing digital marketing tasks helps you hire SEO experts with years of experience. Or, you can train your SEO skills and upgrade them to become a master of search engine optimization.

As mentioned earlier as well, optimizing keywords, images, and website technical specifications remain SEO’s priorities.

6. Leveraging Social Media Effectively

Learn social media platforms in-depth. Find out the impact of social media hashtags, explore popular content types, and observe successful competitors. That will help you find out what is working and what is not. You can also find influencers to hire and run paid social media for faster growth.

7. Email Marketing: Reaching Customers Directly

Emails will always remain in fashion. That is why digital marketing businesses recommend reaching out to people’s inboxes as well. There are several businesses out there that provide e-mails for marketing personalization. Additionally, you can also collect emails by asking your website users to sign up for your newsletters.

8. Paid Advertising: PPC and Display Ads

Experimenting with paid advertising is another one of the top marketing tactics. Paid advertising is customizable most of the time. You can select the amount of reach, target audience, etc, according to your budget and launch ads accordingly. Paid ads are often available on social media platforms, websites, and search engines. But people also include posters and TV ads in their strategy if the audience base is high.

9. The Power of Visual and Video Marketing

Visual marketing holds the targeted audience. Marketing businesses recommend using visual marketing to convey messages in the most engaging ways possible. Some are dedicated to creating ads, while others are using product placement in other visual content like reels, movies, etc. Even a Hubspot report suggests that videos have the highest ROI, leaving images, blog posts, and case studies behind. Video ads are known to bring up to 25% ROIs.

10. Mobile Marketing: Optimizing for the On-the-Go Consumer

Modern consumers heavily rely on smartphones for their daily activities. So, among the top digital marketing tips, optimizing the web presence and smartphone ads has become a priority. Mobile optimization of ads makes it easier for users to find them on the go.

11. Adapting to New Technologies and Trends

Keeping up with trends that are impacting the world is critical in your digital marketing strategy. With time, ads have evolved. For instance, now people are using AR ads to give product demonstrations. Ad personalization has also become a thing thanks to AI. So, adopting such evolving technologies gives you an upper hand and the ability to make the best out of your promotional activities.

Wrapping Up

An effective digital marketing strategy requires dedicated time, learning, and research to achieve the best results. However, using the above digital marketing tips, you can come up with a more streamlined and effective approach to make the best out of your digital marketing activities.

However, it is critical that the evolving digital world should also have evolving digital marketing techniques so your approach remains fresh and productive. You can do that by keeping up with the latest digital transformation trends and learning regularly.



Mark R.
Technology Buzz

Join Mark R. on an illuminating journey through the ever-changing world of technology, where insightful analysis meets a genuine passion for innovation.