Top 9 Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence

Mark R.
Technology Buzz
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2024

Though many might think AI is a recent discovery, it is not, interestingly. AI has been around since the 1950s. What’s current is AI being a buzzword and very accessible. After its blowup in 2020, almost everyone remotely interested in tech is learning AI programming languages.

Every company leverages SaaS products that heavily use AI and ML to streamline processes. It is not just a mere case of following the trend now; it is a necessity.

As this technology advances rapidly, top AI developers should know the best programming languages for AI to build the most innovative and effective applications. Here, we will delve into the top 9 AI programming languages and prove why they deserve to be on the list.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer, being familiar with these top AI programming languages will equip you with cutting-edge skills.

Top 9 AI Programming Languages That Are a Must Learn

1. Python

Python has become the top programming language for artificial intelligence. It has extensive libraries like:

  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • Pandas
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • Keras

They support advanced mathematical and statistical operations for data analysis, machine learning, and neural networks.

Python provides pre-built modules like NLTK and SpaCy for natural language processing. The flexibility of Python allows developers to build prototypes quickly, and its interpreted nature makes debugging and iteration easy.

Python can also scale to large production systems through AI development frameworks like Django. The multitude of open-source AI projects in Python inspires the continued evolution of its AI capabilities.

2. Java

Java is a common choice for building real-world AI applications due to its portability, speed, and vast open-source ecosystem. Java also has a stream of libraries like:

  • Apache Commons
  • Jackson
  • Maven
  • Google-JSON
  • Java NLP
  • DeepLearning4J
  • Weka

They are tools for neural networks, NLP, and data mining. The Java AI community continues to expand these capabilities, leveraging Java’s abilities for concurrent, scalable systems ideal for enterprise applications.

With its robust syntax and typing, Java enforces discipline while not sacrificing readability. This makes Java suitable for collaborative and long-term AI projects where consistency is key. Java will continue seeing AI adoption, especially on mobile and web platforms.

3. C++

C++ is well known for its speed, efficiency, and control, which are crucial for high-performance AI systems. C++ provides access to low-level hardware and memory addressing for optimized computation.

AI applications like real-time video processing, autonomous vehicles, IoT devices, and algorithmic trading rely on C++’s ability to deliver raw computing power. C++ machine learning libraries like Shark, Caffe, and MLPack give access to the latest techniques. The STL also provides versatile data structures for AI.

With innovations like CUDA, C++ continues to offer possibilities for AI systems where every microsecond matters.

4. Lisp

Lisp has pioneered AI at the top of programming. It has inspired many later languages and has fundamental concepts such as:

  • Symbolic expressions
  • Recursion
  • Tree traversal
  • Lambda functions
  • Self-modification

Lisp’s syntax naturally represents the hierarchical structures and logic essential for AI problems. The abstract nature of Lisp provides the ideal environment for experimenting with artificial intelligence concepts.

Lisp dialects like Common Lisp include powerful macro systems for code abstraction which aids in implementing the complex algorithms AI needs.

Lisp’s dynamic typing and runtime evaluation enable metaprogramming for increased flexibility. Lisp’s history and capabilities remain relevant for cutting-edge AI research and development.

5. Julia

Julia delivers Python’s accessibility with C’s blinding speed, making it ideal for the scientific computations at the heart of modern AI. It provides distributed parallel execution for large-scale data processing and analytics.

Its mathematical syntax resembles the equations data scientists are familiar with. Julia includes differential equation solvers for training advanced neural network-based AI models.

Julia integrates well with languages like Python and R to leverage their ecosystems. Some unconventional packages exist for data science, time series analysis, neural networks, and deep learning.

Julia meets the demands of complex number crunching required by physics-based AI and other computationally intensive applications.

6. R

R has grown dominant among statisticians and data analysts due to its powerful visualization, charting, and modeling capabilities. R’s array of statistical learning packages like rpart, randomForest, and caret makes it ideal for predictive analytics and machine learning.

Integration of R with databases like SQLite and MySQL provides scalability. Packages including TensorFlow, Keras, and MXNet allow R developers to create neural networks for deep learning projects.

With its focus on statistical rigor and transparency, R is used at leading research institutions and major corporations. It is to ensure AI algorithms are unbiased, validated, and compliant. R provides reproducible results and readable code, which builds trust in AI systems.

7. Prolog

Prolog is regarded as one of the best programming AI, which is designed around logic programming paradigm providing:

  • Automatic backtracking
  • Pattern matching
  • Recursive predicates
  • Logical reasoning

It is ideal for knowledge representation and expert systems. Prolog lends itself to natural language processing through its ability to encode grammar rules and linguistic formalisms.

It is used for ontology engineering, semantic web knowledge bases, theorem proving, and game theory applications.

Prolog’s relational data model aligns with graph-structured AI problems. As AI tackles more creative challenges, Prolog allows experimentation with logic and unconventional computation models beyond rules.

8. Haskell

Haskell is a versatile, functional programming language that manages complexity through strong static typing, type inference, and purity. It is an AI coding language well-suited for implementing intricate AI algorithms.

Features like lazy evaluation, algebraic data types, and pattern matching enable elegant abstractions for AI development. Haskell’s referential transparency supports equational reasoning that is beneficial for correctness. Haskell compiles efficient machine code rivaling C and provides parallelism.

Haskell includes many attractive research innovations for cutting-edge AI, like software transactional memory and types for quantum computing.

9. Scala

Scala elegantly fuses object-oriented and functional programming, making it scalable and concise for enterprise AI applications. Scala includes powerful libraries like Breeze and DeepLearning — Scala for numerical processing and neural networks.

The Scala ML library provides machine-learning capabilities. Apache Spark integration enables large-scale data processing. Scala’s case classes and pattern matching facilitate clean data modeling.

Scala also supports actors for concurrency and distribution needed for robust intelligent systems. Companies like Twitter and Amazon AI leverage Scala for scalability and performance without sacrificing development productivity.

Bottom Line

As AI continues permeating all layers of work, having the programming skills to build effective AI systems is highly valuable. The programming languages for artificial intelligence are rapidly evolving to meet the complex AI development demands.

Whether you choose versatile Python, optimized C++, mathematical Julia, or logical Prolog, they are great options as top AI programming languages.

With robust languages and tireless imagination, AI coders are limited only by their dreams. This blog will spark new ideas for leveraging these languages in your future AI programming endeavors.



Mark R.
Technology Buzz

Join Mark R. on an illuminating journey through the ever-changing world of technology, where insightful analysis meets a genuine passion for innovation.