My Facebook Was Boring

How customization leads to enjoyment

Collin Hartigan
Technology & Creativity
3 min readSep 2, 2014


We constantly hear complaints these days about what we see on our Facebook feeds. People still have their accounts but clearly there is an exodus of use from Facebook, especially amount the young demographic. But instead of bemoaning the content which graces our feed, why not just change it?

I, too struggled from this same issue. I love the people in my feed, but as my interests changed, so did the things I wanted to see. So I made it my mission to make my own Facebook feed engaging again. This is how I did it:

Use the special URL

One big knock on Facebook is that they now serve up content from their magic formula. Check your Facebook twice in two minutes? Two completely different feeds. That’s actually quite cool, but plenty of people want to see everything that gets posted.

How to see it all? This:

Now you’ll get all your content in chronological order.

Like pages that matter to you

This was the change that was most evident for my feed. I’m a huge technology fan. I can’t get enough of it. So what did I decide to do? Like a ton of tech pages.

Example of a typical screen view of my feed. Yay technology!

Now when I open my Facebook I’m greeted with a plethora of stories, news and tidbits from my favorite industry. This is easy to translate to multiple industries and a variety of interests.

There’s a good reason page posts are so prominent on feeds too. Pages represent businesses, and Facebook loves businesses’ money. So it’s in everyone’s best interest to put that page right in front of your face.

Join awesome groups

Groups are the best feature of Facebook when used correctly. There are extremely vibrant communities out there that serve as a reason to return to Facebook over and over again.

Facebook makes it easy to find these groups too! Just go to your groups tab and have a look at the right-hand sidebar. The ‘Suggested Groups’ tab leads to quite an opportunity to discover.

Example of my Suggested Groups tab

Join the right groups and you’ll regularly be checking the discussions that are going on for your moment to jump into the fray or learn something new. A perfect example of such a vibrant community is the Hackathon Hackers network of groups. Check them out.

Use Facebook Paper

Yes, Facebook’s main app is what nearly all users go to for their mobile Facebook experience. But Paper is what you should be using. Paper, much like the link from part 1, serves up your actual content, without the Facebook magic. You get to see your feed again!

Oh and did I mention, there’s no ads [yet].

Facebook Paper

It’s a pretty simple formula. But you’ll find yourself enjoying Facebook again like you did in ‘07. Try these tips out, let me know how they’re working, and if you have anymore please share!




Collin Hartigan
Technology & Creativity

Giving life to the visions in my head. Business Builder/Technology Stuff