DeMystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Anurag Mehra
Technology, Culture and Politics
2 min readDec 2, 2023

AI is everywhere and touches our lives in many ways. What makes it so ubiquitous today? How might it affect our lives? Is it dangerous? This, and many such questions, are answered in this 3-part series which explains the main features of the rapid growth of AI today, current research and issues in regulation. [December 02 2023]

Part-I discusses the core idea of AI, the growth of ‘generative’ AI and, crucially, explores if it will serve humankind or develop an autonomy that can make it do dangerous things.

Part-II looks at the maelstrom of biases, misinformation, surveillance and deepfake generation that is now associated with generative AI. It is these trends rather than esoteric fears of loss of autonomy that cry out for immediate attention and regulation.

Part-III describes how Tech companies are in a race for profit seeking unbridled development of generative AI, unmindful of the potentially far-reaching economic, social and political fallout. The field is calling out for precautionary regulation but the world is moving too slowly.

