5 tiny Mac apps that’ll make your life easier

Teja Seelam
Technology Hits
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2023
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Window management on macOS is Bad. I immediately noticed it after switching from Windows to macOS. But luckily, I got an app to solve this problem. It is called Rectangle. It’s a fantastic window management tool. Simple keyboard shortcuts can easily align your windows in a snap.

You can easily snap two windows to the left and right using the following shortcuts

Align apps to left&right

Want to have 4 windows? You can do so by using these shortcuts

Align 4 apps on the screen

These are only a few, you can do a lot more with this tiny app. Cherry on the top is that this app is completely free. So definitely check this out.

Link to Rectangle


There’s nothing a lot to tell about a screenshotting tool. They should be able to take a full screenshot or a partial screenshot easily with a simple keyboard shortcut. And Shottr does exactly that. It takes a full screenshot with a simple cmd+shift+1 shortcut and a partial screenshot with a cmd+shift+2 shortcut.

You can also take a scrolling capture easily from their menu app. And there is also a recognise text/QR function built into it.

Link to Shottr


The function of this app is very straightforward; storing your recently copied text and links so you can reuse them. It’s basically a clipboard that is very lightweight and does what it is supposed to do, and nothing extra or fancy.

Download CopyClip

Hidden Bar

Hidden Bar is yet another simple and straightforward app. Its sole function is to declutter your Mac’s Menubar and it does that really well. You can how it works below.

My menubar

Download Hidden Bar

Scroll Reverser

I’m that person who turns on natural scrolling on Mac trackpad. I’m just so used to that. But macOS applies that natural scrolling to both the trackpad and the mouse. My scrolling habit on the mouse doesn’t with my trackpad. So every time I use a mouse with MacBook, it just messed up. When I intend to scroll upwards, it goes downwards and vice-versa. It never happened on Windows. But on Mac,🤷‍♂️.

So I use this app to set different scrolling behaviour for the trackpad and mouse. I use the following scrolling behaviour and it just works.

Interface of Scroll Reverser

Download Scroll Reverser

Bonus app: Gifski

As I’m writing this article, I found that Medium doesn’t support video files. So I need to convert that to a GIF file. Hence I found a new app that can do the job. It is called Gifski. So if you want to convert video files to GIF files, try this app.

Download Gifski

If you’ve come this far, Thank You so much :)



Teja Seelam
Technology Hits

I like computers and tech. So I write about them on Medium and makes videos on Youtube. Weekly productive newsletter: https://tejslm.beehiiv.com