News | Healthcare Technology

A Focus on Telehealth Controversy in 2023

Hybrid Medical Care and Work Models in 2023 are Indispensable in Expanding the Borders of the Point-Of-Care Network

Technology Hits
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2023


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

According to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Stat poll conducted in November 2022, the Telehealth system will see a significant shift in 2023. Although a similar report confirmed that transition in October 2021, the controversy of its trend still needs to be clarified.

Fifty-five percent of survey participants are confident that the utility of Telehealth will see no change in the coming year. Of those who expect a shift in the latter trend, the opinions are split by 50%, as 28% expect a decrease and a 27% increase in the utility of the Telehealth system.

Some healthcare leaders attribute the expected Telehealth utility metamorphosis in 2023 to various market challenges and transformations. Those factors include barriers to integrating Telehealth systems with the existing Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Practice management solutions.

Budgetary impediments, escalating overhead costs, and difficulty dealing with expected lower Medicare physician reimbursement are some of the contributory elements of the predicted…



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