A Quick and Dirty Guide To Home Office Cybersecurity

Your data deserves to be protected — even at home.

John Teehan
Technology Hits


Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle on Unsplash

If you thought cybersecurity was a concern only in businesses and governments, you’d be wrong. Your home network can be just as tempting a target as any office, and with more people working from home these days, cybercrime continues to be a growing concern.

With so many poorly protected home networks conducting business — oft-times with sensitive business data — there has never been a greater need for awareness of security risks and how to counter them.

Why is your home office such an attractive target?

To begin with, there is a lot of exploitable tech already in place. Nearly everyone owns a cell phone these days, and around 75% of people have laptops or desktop computers at home. When you take into account tablet devices, that number goes up considerably. Of all those networked devices sitting in private homes, very few have any serious cybersecurity measures installed. Whether the reasons are lack of budget or time, many people leave their home networks wide open for attack.

It doesn’t have to be that way

There are a good number of actions you can take to make your home office more secure…



John Teehan
Technology Hits

Writer specializing in tech, business, parenting, pop culture, and gaming. Visit wordsbyjohn.net for more info and rates. Twitter: @WordsByJohn2