A web app to view and analyze cryptocurrency data in full detail -free access in this article!

Historical prices, data in linear or log scales, various normalizations, smoothing over time, and your exact time ranges. Even compare pairs of coins! Do ask me for custom programs!

LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
Technology Hits


The online web app

With this web app you can view historical prices and market caps displaying the data in several ways (described below), and even do some analyses right there online. I wrote this web app all by myself, and described it in full detail here:

Now I’m giving away free access to the readers of this article (see below for instructions). You will have access to a fully-fledged app with these features (and you can ask for more, tailored to your needs):

  • 27 cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ENJ, DOT, ETH, BAT, USDC, BNB, etc. The list is easily extendable to more currencies, on your request.
  • Full control of time ranges -i.e. not limited to “last 24 hs”, “last 7 days”, year-to-date, etc. but rather allowing you to input the exact time range of interest. With daily or hourly…



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