AI Reimagined and Repurposed

There is nothing less intelligent than rationality not tempered by emotions

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Technology Hits


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9.25.20, my first day on Medium, my very first post:

Super-intelligent AI without a conscience would be the ultimate sociopath. Such technology should never be allowed to come into existence. Now, I see no barrier to AI having a conscience as long as it can be designed to have the sense of touch and smell, in which case souls might gladly join with an AI

I posted that response-as-a-story long before I knew the adaptive-advantages of that vs. a response, although I still do not understand how, when and if a response-as-story ever links to one’s profile???

Digression may hallmark this piece, we’ll see. 🤷‍♂️

How many reading this story discern the irony I painted into that response? It does not matter. I assure you, not even the most-advanced-not-yet-invented AI could accurately understand that social-media response.

Please respond with your interpretations, which may lead to a follow-up story with credit given where credit would be due.


I have the warm “chills” right now. The synchronistic beauty of the universe’s and my soul’s conspiracy to design this post over 3 months ago and have it…



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Technology Hits

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.