An Incredible Journey All Parts

A story of how I changed the past to create a better future

Liam Ireland
Technology Hits
Published in
9 min readNov 7, 2020


photograph by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Ever since I can remember my father was something of mysterious man. My mother regaled me many a time about how at times my father would just disappear. He would simply put on his jacket and vanish into thin air. Nobody knew where he went or what he got up to. Then suddenly out of the blue he would re-appear as if nothing had happened. He would take off his jacket and hang it in the wardrobe before popping back downstairs for a cup of earl grey tea. He never spoke about where he had been nor who he had been with. My mother knew better than to ask him questions. She was just happy to see him safely return none the worse for his disappearance.

I sat on the edge of my mother and father's bed looking into the old oak wardrobe that had once seen much better days. It had been over a week since we celebrated my mother's funeral. It was quite a modest affair with very few attendees. This was mostly due to my mother living to a grand old age. Most of those who she knew throughout her life had long since gone before her. There was virtually nobody left. My mother used to say how the worst part of getting old was the feeling of being invisible. Nobody saw her, nobody asked her opinion about anything. It was as if she simply didn't count, she didn't exist.

