Let’s Build User Profile UI With Android for our E-Commerce App

Nil Madhab
Published in
10 min readDec 17, 2020


We are going to create an android UI for our UserProfile backend API we are creating for our demo E-commerce tutorial

Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash


We are building an e-commerce platform from scratch. In the last tutorial, we build the backend for the UserProfile

In this article, we will build the android UI for the UserProfile backend, which can be a base for many other applications.

Not long before was the time when the user profile consisted of a hard copy form. From the advent of digital technology and sophisticated software, profiles have been becoming more intuitive.

Backend API description

Here we describe the most important component of our user profile application: the…



Nil Madhab

Developer @Booking.com | ex: Samsung, OYO | IIT Kharagpur | Entrepreneur, founder of simplecoding.dev | JOIN Medium, https://nilmadhab.medium.com/membership