Are Virtual Reality And The Metaverse Ready To Support Collaborative Work?

The beginning of a new era.

Kamran Karim
Technology Hits
3 min readOct 2, 2022


Photo by XR Expo on Unsplash

As a hybrid of VR and AR, the metaverse is a new kind of digital space.

People will move around this online environment using digital avatars that could be constructed purely out of fantasy, like the real world, or a blend of both.

Thanks to virtual reality headsets and digital avatars, people can gain a deeper understanding of their daily lives than they do from a social media post.

Virtual reality is a method that substitutes a 3D computer-generated world for the actual world.

Users can experience these environments visually with VR headsets, physically with VR gloves, and virtually with features like avatars, which are live-action graphic representations of people.

VR at the Office

Most workplace avatars don’t require a VR headset to be worn. For instance, LoomieLive offers a talk/listen-to option for users without a headset but recommends using one with just a microphone.

The technology of video conferencing is very supportive of face-to-face interaction when working remotely. This still falls short of in-person collaboration in terms of effectiveness.

Virtual reality has the power to simulate and take the place of in-person interactions and group projects.

Previously only utilized in video games, VR is now being used more frequently at work. Virtual reality (VR) and other immersive technologies can facilitate computer-mediated communications by creating an atmosphere that is more like real-world encounters.

The Metaverse at Work

While it may not be ideal, hybrid work is the future wave. A growing number of companies think the metaverse is the solution.

Most professionals dislike being physically present regularly, regardless of the pandemic or whether or not companies decide to open an office by creating permanent digital locations where you may check in as an avatar.

It’s an innovative approach to the virtual office.

VR and the Metaverse are already in use.

It’s tough to picture a sizable workforce spending the entire day huddled in a virtual space, bumping against virtual representations of their colleagues.

Thanks to technologies like Gather, Teamflow, and Virbela, many people already practice it.

From the perspective of the companies setting up digital offices, there is just one way to look at it. There won’t be any exorbitant real estate prices anymore. The options for design are limitless, entirely from home, with constant access to social interaction.

The typical person’s initial response to an avatar-based virtual office is skepticism. Accessibility is essential, and relying solely on VR headsets will make it more challenging to attract loyal customers. This insight catalyzed Gather.

There are uses for the metaverse besides routine office tasks.

Teamflow’s three guiding principles are spatiality, persistence, and applicability. Similar to how loudness operates in the real world, spatiality develops when only those in your immediate vicinity can hear you.

You can save your work in progress and return to it anytime within Teamflow.

Businesses are promoting virtual reality and the metaverse for cooperation, even if it is still a long way off.

To encourage the widespread adoption and improvement of physical user devices and the metaverse platform, Meta, for one, had been employing Horizon Workrooms VR technology for at least six months before the beta announcement for internal collaboration.

The success of a company’s commitment to a remote workforce depends on the employees’ ability to be there full-time. It’s unsettling to spend the entire workweek in a virtual world.



Kamran Karim
Technology Hits

Inspirational, Futuristic & Innovative | CEO of The Binary Geeks & | Author of “What to Expect Before Developing an App.”