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Can AI write short stories?

Yes, it can. But are they any good?

Akshay Gajria
Published in
12 min readMay 6, 2023


AI writing short stories has snuck into all the conversations I have these days. In a group chat with my fellow writers, our conversation led us to ChatGPT and how it should be banned in writing retreats for people to focus on their writing. As a joke, fellow writer Tony sent a prompt:

Prompt: Write me a story set in the North Indian hinterland with the whimsy of Murakami. I want to become a Moradabadi Murakami :-)

My curiosity peaked. I gave the prompt to Bing AI. It generated the following short story in two parts.

Part 1

Bing AI: Here is a story I wrote for you. I hope you like it.


# The Cat and the Clock

Rajesh was a watchmaker in Moradabad, a small town in Uttar Pradesh. He had inherited his father’s shop and skills, and he was proud of his craft. He could fix any kind of clock or watch, from the simplest quartz to the most intricate mechanical. He had customers from all over the town and beyond, who trusted him with their precious timepieces.

One day, a strange man came to his shop. He was tall and thin, with a long beard and a turban. He wore a dark coat and carried a large leather bag. He spoke in a low voice and

