Create an Automated Database of Your Google Calendar Events

The first step to personalizing your Future AI, is to make your calendar available to it.

Andrew Crider
Technology Hits


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I’ve talked about building a personal corpus to power your personal AI. A good source of information to start personalizing your AI is your calendar. Our calendar contains information on the events we attend and the meetings we have, which can help our assistant create plans. These plans can then be augmented by our assistant or shared with others.

We are going to use the following components to create a knowledge store of our calendar events:

  1. Python Functions in Google Cloud
  2. Google Calendar APIs
  3. Firebase Database to store our information

Set up the Infrastructure

This section assumes that you have some experience with Google Cloud and Firebase. For more information, check out the links sprinkled throughout.

Enable the Google APIs — You’ll need the following APIs enabled in Google Cloud: Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, Cloud Run, and Cloud Logging APIs, and the Google Maps API. You’ll also need to ensure that you have billing enabled. There are generous free tiers for all of these APIs.

