dB and dBm for dummies

How to easy calculate and understand dB and dBm

Marcus Knoph
Technology Hits
Published in
9 min readMar 6, 2021


Decibel cover made by — tartila, user3824803 and nsit0108
Decibel cover made by — tartila, user3824803 and nsit0108

Decibels are something most people associate with sounds and loudness in the sense of sound pollution. But it has a lot more to offer than barely indicating a number, that informs you if the noise coming from the new washing machine is okay. Or if the new car you purchased will drive your neighbor crazy with loud noises 5 in the morning when you hit the gas pedal going off to work!

This article is produced for people, that need an effortless way to understand dB and dBm. But also, for all the other people that have some spare time, and merely want to absorb something new. Therefore, let us just dive straight into it!

The basic behind decibels

Foremost, decibels represent a measurement that explains the ratio between two forces. It does not state anything about the specific force. Only that one force is greater than another and how much that is. Easy right. Well? let’s place it into some context.

Let us say you ask me how much do I earn on my job? I inform you that I receive twice the amount as a regular writer does. This does not state anything about my real salary, but it tells you something about the ratio. This is exactly what decibel is about. If you know what a regular writer gets paid, you can…



Marcus Knoph
Technology Hits

IT Consultant with extensive experience in computer security / programming, and leadership / management development of personnell.