Elon Musk’s Algorithm

Ece Uyguç
Technology Hits
Published in
5 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Google DeepMind

I’m sure everyone more or less knows that it is not a coincidence that Elon Musk is in the position he is in right now. To get to know a person with such a broad vision more closely, I began reading his latest 670-page biography book written by Walter Isaacson, published at the end of last year. I’m still reading.

The book thoroughly unfolds the difficulties Musk has experienced in both his private life since early childhood and later in business life and adulthood, the problems he has faced and the solutions he came up with. Despite its length, the book is fluid and reads like an immersive novel keeping the reader’s attention at all times. I believe I will share with you a variety of topics I learned from this book.

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, Bookcover

Perhaps the most important characteristic that distinguishes Elon Musk from others is his superhuman working capacity. He can work long hours, days and even weeks without leaving his factory. Sometimes he even sleeps under his desk. Naturally, such a determined person expects the same work capacity from those around him as he knows no other way of thinking. At this stage, conflicts and problems arise.



Ece Uyguç
Technology Hits

IR graduate, economist, translator. Passionate about history, business, politics, and technology. Research enthusiast, world traveler. Let's explore together.