From Darkness to Light: What’s on The Other Side of a Black Hole?

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Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2024

While the mysteries of black holes remain far from fully unraveled, each discovery brings us a step closer to comprehending the fundamental nature of our universe. Black Hole(accretion disk)

It’s the eerie scientific mystery that has troubled researchers for over a century.


We know anything that gets too close to the black hole gets ripped off and destroyed, thanks to its immense tidal gravitational forces.

There are regions of space that lie beyond the laws of nature, where time and space as we understand them no longer exist. What truly occurs within one of these cosmic boundaries remains unknown.

However, one persistent theory that cannot be proven or dismissed is that black holes might serve as gateways to other regions of space, or perhaps even to entirely new universes.

Black Hole as a Gateway:

Einstein’s general theory of relativity teaches us about the bending of spacetime. The heavier the object, the more spacetime will distort until an infinite sinkhole is formed in the material. In this region of spacetime, the gravitational pull is so intense that spacetime itself begins to flow into the anomaly, dragging everything with it, including light. This creates a dark sphere around the area where light is pulled into the gravitational well, known as the event horizon, giving rise to a Black Hole.


At the core of a black hole is a spacetime singularity, a point so distorted by mass compression that it pierces the fabric of spacetime, forming a physical boundary of the universe. It is a place where all light and matter face their eternal end.

If we somehow managed to survive up to this point, we would encounter something very peculiar — time and space, as interconnected entities, would reverse roles, as the black hole’s interior becomes infinite. We don’t fully understand the implications of curving spacetime to infinity. It’s possible that spacetime could curve “all the way around,” allowing a black hole to lead to a completely different part of space.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge:

Wormholes (Einstein-Rosen Bridge):

A connection that ignores the cosmic distance between the two dissimilar locations and squeezes them together. A way for a black hole to bypass the spacetime continuum by functioning as a portal. They are intriguing prospects, and might not be limited to science fiction only. Although they have never been observed in reality, they align with the principles of General Relativity.

But don’t get too excited, as even if wormholes are possible, they would almost certainly be impractical.

The case against Wormholes:

Within seconds of its formation, the spacetime bridge could split into two normal black holes due to the extreme gravity of the black hole, which would cause it to constantly expand and contract.

They might still be possible, existing either for just a brief moment or in an undetectable microscopic form.

It could be argued that we aren’t technologically advanced enough to effectively search for signs of wormholes.

If wormholes in spacetime do exist, then for everything that enters through a black hole, there must be another hole where it exits, even if it exists only briefly — this would be a white hole.

White Holes:

A white hole is, as its name implies, fundamentally the opposite of a black hole.

“Where black holes consume, white holes eject. Where black holes gulp, white holes would burp”.

Unquestionably, white holes are a direct result of the mathematics underlying black holes. While extensive observations in recent decades have nearly confirmed the existence of black holes, white holes have remained merely a mathematical curiosity since their prediction in 1964.

Schwarzschild Metric: Schwarzschild equation:

A German scientist named Karl Schwarzschild solved the field equations for their first exact solution; giving us the Schwarzschild Metric. Schwarzschild Metric.

The Schwarzschild Metric represents the simplest possible black hole: it is an isolated unit of compressed mass in an empty spacetime plane that remains unaffected by its surroundings. “One which was never born and one that will never die, never growing or shrinking — an Eternal Black Hole”. Schwarzschild Metric gives positive square root value solutions and also admits negative square root solutions. In simple terms, we can extend the Eternal Black Hole model to account for a new dimension where we find the white hole.

Penrose Diagram:

The case against white holes:

Keep in mind that general relativity is time-symmetric, and white holes are consistent with it. It is unaware of the direction in which time moves in our universe as well as the other scientific principles, such as the second law of thermodynamics.

The highly ordered, complex energy of a white hole cannot be produced from “nothing” by any known physical physics. The whole theory seems more like science fiction than science reality, especially because we have never seen any convincing evidence for a white hole.

It may seem anticlimactic, but it’s important to note that this only eliminates the possibility of wormholes serving as gateways to other regions within our universe. What it doesn’t dismiss is the persistent idea that often arises in discussions about black holes: that they could lead not to our universe, but to an entirely new one.

Even though there has never been any proof of a white hole in space, there is one thing that mimics the behavior of one- and that thing is the Big Bang.

Hawking Radiations and the Final Phase:

One idea is that instead of being its own entropy-defying phenomenon, a “white hole” may actually be a black hole in the final stage of its life.

It is currently believed that black holes undergo extreme long-duration mass leakage and eventual death. This is due to relativistic quantum fluctuations- instability at the lowest level of nature. Across the cosmos, including the region around a black hole’s event horizon, tiny pairs of virtual particles and anti-particles are continuously emerging, disappearing, latching onto one another, and self-annihilation.

Here, one particle plunges into the black hole while the other escapes, essentially chipping away a small portion of the black hole’s energy in the process. The particle that escapes into space is observed as radiation. This is known as Hawking Radiation.

Eventually, the black hole will emit so much Hawking Radiation that it will shrink to a tiny, microscopic size and mass, after approximately 10^(several tens) of years, depending on its mass. As the black hole’s mass decreases, its temperature and radiation increase inversely; the hotter it grows…… until it is no longer a “black” hole.

Eventually, its temperature will rise to a level higher than that of the plasma in the very early universe before cosmic inflation allowed it to expand. This plasma was so incredibly hot, energetic, and compressed that it defied the laws of physics as we understand them.

And in the black hole’s dying breath, all of its remaining data was expelled. In a manner akin to how a white hole would expel mass.

While the mysteries of black holes remain far from fully unraveled, each discovery brings us a step closer to comprehending the fundamental nature of our universe.

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