Google made Data Frames for BigQuery generally available

Introduction to BigQuery Data Frames

Technology Hits


Photo by Diego Aguilar on Unsplash

Google made Data Frames after a half year in preview finally generally available[1].

BigQuery DataFrames is a set of open source Python libraries that let you query BigQuery data by using familiar Python APIs. BigQuery DataFrames implements the pandas and scikit-learn APIS by pushing the processing down to BigQuery through SQL conversion[2].

BigQuery DataFrames combines Data Analysis and Data Science capabilities by giving you the following options[3]:

  • bigframes.pandas implements a DataFrame API (with partial Pandas compatibility) on top of BigQuery.
  • implements a Python API for BigQuery ML (with partial scikit-learn compatibility).

DataFrames is an open-source package that you can run pip install --upgrade bigframes to install the latest version — here a small blue print on how to use it[4]:

import bigframes.pandas as bpd

# Set BigQuery DataFrames options…



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