Hold Or Sell? Hold Or Sell? Sum-Body Help Me!

The mystery of cryptocurrency.

Charles H. Roast
Technology Hits


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

A couple of weeks ago, I bought Dogecoin at .06 cents a share. I own 81, 000 shares. It cost me $5,000.

Today, I checked the price, and it was at .36 cents a share. That’s about $30,000.

I am facing the ever-present quandary of should I sell, or should I hold?

If I sell, I walk away with about a $25k profit. That’s five times my original investment.

But if I hold, three things could happen:

  1. It could drop back down to almost nothing;
  2. It could hold where it is forever;
  3. It could be the next Bitcoin and skyrocket in value.

Understand, I hold no illusions that Doge and Bitcoin are the same. I know the differences. Doge was created as a joke and has an unlimited supply. Bitcoin is taken more seriously and has a limited supply.

Supply and demand. Bitcoin keeps going up as supply diminishes. Doge keeps going up as people like me speculate it to new heights.

“Experts’ debate Doge regularly. Many say it is worthless and will never be another Bitcoin. Sell now and get out.



Charles H. Roast
Technology Hits

The “real” me, released into the wild, unashamedly blunt, politically incorrect, brutally honest(in a nice way), funny, and still lovable. And still anonymous.