Elon Musk Could Replace Duolingo Using AI

Artificial intelligence is the future of language learning

AJ Krow
Technology Hits


Photo by Miguel Tomás on Unsplash

As an aspiring language learner, I’ve come to a realization. Despite the many methods and resources available to learn a language, none of them can achieve true mastery. They all lack certain elements that force us to rely on multiple resources to achieve fluency.

The most critiqued product for learning a language is Duolingo, and in fact, it ought to be replaced with better technology that’s currently available.

Why Duolingo prevents mastery of a language

The problem with Duolingo is its focus on vocabulary. Duolingo fails to offer multiple learning methods, like interacting with phrases, sentences, images, and conversations. Duolingo also fails to implement real-world scenario usage of the language. Therefore, app users fail to learn grammar and word usage.

Whenever a user learns the different versions of “to have”, they don’t learn how to implement it in a sentence. Instead, they memorize the words and move on.

To master a language, the person learning must implement the language in day to day life. Polyglots use many different methods, like watching movies or listening to music or podcasts, writing in a journal, or…



AJ Krow
Technology Hits

Personal Finance Teacher. Writer. Author. Aspiring Polyglot. Progressive Voter. Antitheist. Twitter @ajkrow_writer.