How to Encode Your Name Using Barcode


Moments Online
Technology Hits


Designed by the author on Canva

Have you ever wondered what your name would look like in barcode format? Well, I will show you how to turn your name into a barcode image, readable with a barcode scanner.

This technique I call name-to-barcode- cryptography (this is term does not exist, in case you didn’t get the joke) which means hiding a person’s name in barcode format. Google has a barcode image that translates to “Google” in a text when scanned. (see image below)

Now let’s get your name into a barcode image. (FYI you can also use this technique to send secret love notes to your forbidden lover as it’s useless to the naked eye)

How to make a barcode image of your name

Things needed:

  1. Your name.
  2. A barcode generator.


  1. Go to

2. Choose Code-128 as the barcode type, enter data like your name, and hit Show Barcode or Refresh. (you can also enter your secret love notes)

3. Download your name as a barcode image.



Moments Online
Technology Hits

Developer • Content Creator • Business Enthusiast - Writing to express not to impress. Taking life a day at a time.