How to use AWS Lambda to trigger “any” script as an API call

Guides and Steps to Run Scripts on AWS Lambda for Beginners

Somil Gupta
Technology Hits


Created by the Author using Canva.

First and foremost, What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers — AWS Website

In simple terms,

Service that runs your code without you thinking about servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume and the number of requests.

Why AWS Lambda?

One million monthly requests are free; you pay very little for millions more requests. The possibilities with AWS Lambda are limitless. And AWS is constantly adding new features to AWS Lambda. I encourage you to try using AWS Lambda.

How Lambda Works. Created by the Author using Excalidraw.

Today, we’re going to explore AWS Lambda functions step by step. We’ll start by making a simple function that talks to an API using HTTPS. Then, we’ll learn how to create a…



Somil Gupta
Technology Hits

Senior software engineer on a journey as a travel storyteller, curating travel itineraries, and sharing insights on cultures, people, and history worldwide. 🌍