Integrating Design — From Chaos to Order

Technology Hits
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4 min readDec 6, 2021
Integrating Design — From Chaos to Order

Design has become more important for companies than ever before.

Organizations are looking for specialists who can deliver the right quality in the shortest possible time. However, the design doesn’t scale effortlessly, and a lack of standards and boundaries may lead to irreversible chaos in a longer perspective.

When the number of design components grows but the design team is unaligned, the growing inconsistency may have detrimental consequences. That’s why most top-quality design teams have decided to introduce a design system as a standard for their projects.

Audi, Netflix, Airbnb, and Google use design systems.

Often chaotic organizations have trouble with delivery and have everyone trying to do everything. Context switching is bad for computers, and it is bad for humans as well. To be productive, workers need blocks of time without interruptions. If, instead of allowing teams to work on many different things, organize around the value streams they provide, they will be able to deliver focused work that continually improves and will reduce context switching to a bare minimum.

With the growth of Design practices in Tech, there is an opportunity for DesignOps practices. There are no clear borders on which project focuses only on the product and operations. The difference between the product and operations is that the product creates value for the customer and the operations focus on efficiency, speed, and quality of delivering these values to the customer.

The journey from Chaos to Order

“A good system shortens the road to the goal.”

- Orison Swett Marden

Identifying Chaos patterns

It’s important to identify or look for the patterns in the organization and how that is the best way to make things better. If the organization is in disarray, people will appreciate and support identifying the patterns leading to chaos.

According to “The Iceberg of Ignorance,” team managers only see 9% of problems! As a DesignOps Manager, you don’t want to make decisions in a chaotic organization while missing 91% of the problems to be addressed. Thus, meeting as many staff-level engineers as possible is essential to have the richest dataset to move forward.

Describe expectations

Once you’ve met with the folks who are closest to the information, there should be a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Now is the time to set expectations for the teams. Start with asking questions about what they spend their time on, what they’d like to be doing, and what is one thing we could change to make things better. This survey demonstrates that the goal is not to blame but to improve the system.

Consistent Communication

By applying regular, consistent communication, we can ensure a high degree of alignment between all the teams in the organization. This minimizes duplication of work, makes roles and responsibilities clear, and allows each value stream to execute well on their specific area of responsibility.

If you have more than a hundred people working on the product, you might see that everyone works differently, making the company less dynamic. Operations teams are becoming more popular today. As a result, you might already know about DevOps, DesignOps, BusinessOps, etc.

Big companies understood that having more people would not bring more value to the customers. Just having more managers is not enough. We need to leverage automation technologies and tools to have more precise and efficient workflows. Bringing new practices to the company could help to amplify the value and impact at scale.

Let’s understand the design competency with the example of a large organization. We don’t know how many designers work on organizations like Facebook, but we need to collaborate seamlessly with the larger team. Is the development team satisfied with the deliverables? Are the project managers know the availability of the design teams and can plan the work ahead? Can other designers on the crew find all research reports from the last time? How does the business work with designers? Is there a design library and integration with the development library in the company that we can call a design system? For all of these problems, DesignOps best practices can help.

One of the most effective and dedicated tools for DesignOps is Cubyts. A designOps platform leverages frameworks, data, evidence-based collaboration & AI technologies to innovate and transform designOps for higher design maturity and design integration.

You can track various activities by setting up design projects. Cubyts support multiple project types to plan the most common design interventions.

Cubyts helps in Managing the flow

In any system of work, we endeavor to optimize flow. The outcome of analyzing our workflow is to elevate and alleviate the constraints so that work can flow more quickly through the system. We often refer to this flow of work as the value stream in our businesses.

Cubyts enables teams to derive value from the user experience function by seamlessly integrating Design activities across an enterprise. The platform will provide visibility, manage deliverables, and measure outcomes of the Design function resulting in customer-driven culture in an enterprise.

Design system development is a gradual process that can take time, especially at the beginning of its creation. However, this initial investment will help you avoid a super-consuming mess along the way and create a sustainable design process. Design systems have the power to transform a typical organization into a robust product design force.

A successful design system will become part of your team DNA, helping you produce more consistent user experiences, build bridges between design and development, and improve your design process.

There is no doubt that we are moving through a time of great uncertainty. But an opportunistic leader will always find lots of opportunities in chaos. If we can navigate that chaos, we can often find ourselves in a much better place than we were before.

Cubyts navigates an organization’s journey from Chaos to Order effortlessly and effectively.



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