Is Apple Preparing for On-Device AI Processing?

Louis Josso
Technology Hits
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2023

Apple’s M3 processors are changing the game. Check Underscore_’s video for the deep dive (available at the end of the story). We’re talking secrets, control, and on-device AI.

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Remember the Halloween soirée where Apple introduced its M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max processors? At first, they didn’t appear to offer anything earth-shattering. But behind this array of Silicon chips, a hidden strategy seems to arrise. Let’s dig into why Apple is developing these chips, their role in device fabrication, and how they benefit the end user experience.

Apple’s Bold Move with M3 Processors

When Apple introduced its new range of 3-nanometer M3 processors at their keynote, everyone was just a little bit surprised. Years ago, Apple wouldn’t have held a keynote for just processor and device updates. Instead, they would have quietly updated the MacBooks and iMacs on the store. Now, they organised a whole keynote for it — and there is a theory why.

Before diving into this theory, let’s demystify the complex mechanics of a processor. A processor, or a semiconductor, is a material that can conduct electricity under some conditions but not others. Silicon, a commonly used semiconductor material, is fashioned into what’s known as wafers. These are thin layers onto which processors are etched with the impressive precision of 3 nanometers roughly the size of an 10 oxygen atoms! The capability to achieve this is possessed by only a few companies worldwide.

Apple don’t manufacture their own processors. Instead, they design and engineer these silicon wafers, and then pass them off to other manufacturers to bring their invention to life. Tech mammoths like Qualcomm, Nvidia, and yes, the tech fruit company — Apple — operate under the FaBless (no fabrication) model, designing the mental acrobats that transform electricity into incredible computing power.

A Strategic Shifts From Dependency to AI Integration

Once we grasp this understanding, it begs the question: why would Apple venture into its silicon production for its computers? The answer lies in a genius three-pronged approach.

First up, it’s Apple’s desire to reduce dependency on Intel. This not only streamlines Apple’s supply chain logistics but also eliminates a significant area of dependency.

Second, it’s all about control! Apple is well-known for its strategy of vertical integration, where they prefer to control both their hardware and software. Shutting out Intel from their computer systems represents the natural progression of this endeavor. The hardware, software, applications — it’s all Apple! From this perspective, it makes a whole lot of sense to manufacture their own processors.

The M3 Chip’s Hidden Power for AI on-device

Lastly, and here’s the highlight of the theory, Apple seems to be jumping aboard the artificial intelligence (AI) train. You might find it odd that Apple has remained relatively silent about AI compared to its tech peers, despite its significant investments in the sector. Their new M3 Silicon chip is their megaphone. Hidden in the M3 complex is the ‘neural engine’, their version of an artificial intelligence processor. Through this clever piece of tech, Apple can perform machine learning operations natively on their devices.

Microsoft, lacks complete control and resorts to relying on the cloud for AI computations. In contrast, Apple’s M3 chips bring the power of AI straight to the device in our hands, removing the need for cloud-based computations.

While Apple’s M3 announcement may have seemed low to some, it signals a growing trend in tech. The M3 lineup represents Apple’s foray into creating more efficient, powerful, and independent devices that can consolidate AI processing on-device. After a deep dive, it’s clear that Apple isn’t just focused on creating chips; they’re committed to pushing the boundaries of integrated technology and enhancing user experience within their ecosystem. This move is not just a solidification of Apple’s place in the processor market, but also a broader move in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

However, knowing Apple, we can only guess what they’ll do next in their quest for integration and power. Will they champion even more impressive AI capabilities? Will the M3 lineup transform the fabric of personal computing? Only time will tell.

If you liked this story, you can check my latest post here:

In my dive on Apple’s M3 processors, I gathered insights from a fantastic YouTube video titled ‘PUCE M3 : Ce dont personne ne parle’ The creator, Underscore_, provided valuable details on all these parts

