Karen’s Weekly Technology Hits Review

Automated food, AI, Bluetooth, Marvel, Alan Turing, and a grumpy tech.

Karen Madej
Technology Hits


Photo by Jason Yuen on Unsplash

This week’s selection is from the Technology tag. There was plenty to choose from and I was excited to see lots of new names, five here for you today plus my fave read from Aldric. I had to read what he had to say about KFC and technology. I must admit I was thinking of automated chicken runs for them to strut along on their time away from their work cages. Aldric had a different idea.

I am so impressed by Katlyn Gallo’s piece on working in the business of technology. My hat goes off to her for her approach to learning and not being put off by a Tech Grump. I’m all for more women working in traditionally male-dominated careers.

It’s no secret that there’s a skills gap in the IT industry as a whole, from infrastructure to development to security. One of the reasons I’ve been sharing my experiences and knowledge through Dark Roast Security is to do my part in narrowing that gap.

