Kubernetes Interview Questions: The Basics 🌟

Ekant Mate (AWS APN Ambassador)
Technology Hits
Published in
23 min readJan 21, 2024


πŸš€ Interview Preparation: Mastering Kubernetes Fundamentals 🌟

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

General Understanding and Concepts

1. What is container orchestration and why is it important?

Answer: Container orchestration is the automated management of the lifecycle of containers, including their deployment, scaling, networking, and availability. It’s important because it simplifies the process of managing containers, especially in large-scale systems with hundreds or thousands of containers.

Example: Orchestrators can automatically allocate resources based on the needs of different containers, manage the communication between containers, and ensure that if a container fails, another one can take its place without manual intervention.

2. How does Kubernetes differ from other container orchestration tools?

Answer: Kubernetes differs from other tools like Docker Swarm or Apache Mesos in several ways:

  • Scalability: Kubernetes excels in scaling applications. For instance, it can manage clusters with thousands of nodes.
  • Flexibility: It supports a wide range of workloads, from stateless applications to complex stateful…



Ekant Mate (AWS APN Ambassador)
Technology Hits

Technologist, Cloud evangelist & Solution Architect specializing in Design, DevOps, Security, Network. Expert advisor, World Tech Enthusiast, Motivational Blog.