Leveraging ChatGPT for Call for Papers Submissions

Eyal Trabelsi
Technology Hits
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2023
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Are you tired of seeing the same faces and hearing the same ideas at conferences? Conference organizers often find themselves cycling through the same pool of speakers year after year, which can lead to stale, repetitive content that fails to capture attendees’ attention.

The Problems

There are four primary reasons why individuals don't submit talks using CFP:
1. I didn’t know about the submission dates.
2. I do not possess information worth sharing.
3. I fear speaking in public.
4. It's hard to write an attractive submission.

I put links to the first three reasons and this blog is all about the fourth reason. The good news is that you can leverage the power of machine learning as a writing aid.

The Solution

We are going to use a language model, ChatGPT specifically, to help us generate a rough draft. The template is as follows, and you should fill in the missing information.

Task: Write a title, abstract, and description for a talk in a <Conference Subject> conference.
Word Count: Each of the three paragraphs should have a maximum of 135 words in total.
Title: The talk title should be <Your Talk subject> and should not exceed 15 words.
Abstract: The abstract should be a maximum of 50 words and should highlight <Point Of The Talk>.
Description: The description should be a maximum of 70 words and should explain <4 Major Sentences That Your Talk Gonna Focus>.
additional guidelines: Be clear and coherent and the target audience is <Your audience>. Focus on what the talk is giving us.

You can see that the results are not bad at all.

Pro Tip🏅 You can ask ChatGPT to rephrase it in several ways.

But this is not enough, go over it and add some personal touch on top of it. You are one step closer to the center stage.

Warning ⚠️ check the conference does not limit the usage of language models.

This will open up new doors and opportunities for growth for people and will make the pool of speakers more diverse. So why not give it a try !?

Last words

In this article, we began by explaining why individuals don’t submit talks using CFP and how we can leverage ChatGPT as a writing aid and bring new faces to the center stage.

I hope I was able to share my enthusiasm for this fascinating topic and that you find it useful. You’re more than welcome to drop me a line via email or LinkedIn.



Eyal Trabelsi
Technology Hits

Data architect at bigabid with a passion for performance, scale, python, machine learning and making software easier to use.