Meritocracy is just a belief and we buy it no more.

Okay boomer! When is the last time your bonus has been strictly related to real performance? Last time that you could measure the results of your work? Above all, are you happy?

Flavio Aliberti
Technology Hits


“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end”, Bob Marley said.

In our economic system, you will find short-term worries about not enough people buying enough stuff — but that worry has always existed. In a society that bases its measures of success in terms of home prices, market values, and GDP, there will always be a need to prompt citizens to buy more and more.

Where is this coming from?

In the essay Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren (1931), John Maynard Keynes envisioned that, by adopting his model, humanity would have economic freedom by the year 2030.

This would bring a high standard of living, 15 working hours per week, and the freedom from any pulse to consume for the sake of consumption.

