Microsoft Acquires Bethesda Game Studios

Great news for Game Pass subscribers, maybe not so good for PlayStation

Paul Douglas
Technology Hits


Photo by Aditya Rathod on Unsplash

On the 12th of March, after a long hard day at work, I settled down to unwind with my Xbox. I popped open Game Pass and was met with a new graphic for Bethesda and twenty of its titles added to the standard subscription at no extra cost.

I was aware that Microsoft had been in talks to buy up more games studios to bolster their roster of exclusive titles. What I wasn’t expecting to find was so many of Bethesda’s best-known, albeit older titles, available on Game Pass so quickly, literally within a few days of the deal being done.

In a post on Microsoft Xbox’s webpage on 09th of March, head of Xbox Phil Spencer announced the acquisition of ZeniMax, Bethesda’s parent company. Cc Eight games studios including Bethesda and Alpha Dog are now owned by Microsoft.

Bethesda Games

Amongst the new additions to Game Pass from this acquisition are perhaps some of the best-known games in recent years including Elder Scrolls, Doom, Fallout, and Wolfenstein franchise titles. This is great news for all Xbox fans. Game Pass ultimate, the bigger sibling of Game Pass already provides access to Electronic Arts titles in addition to Microsoft games, but of course Ultimate is the…



Paul Douglas
Technology Hits

I have always loved to write, especially poems and short stories. I also have an abiding love for technology and gaming. I love to share my outlook with others.