My Obsidian Setup — Mobile Capture

iOS Capture to Obsidian

Nuno Campos
Obsidian Observer


In the previous article, I have shown my Periodic Notes, journaling, and habits tracker workflows.

This article will show how I capture notes and media from iOS devices.

Tana has launched a pretty cool app called Tana Capture, which allows you to write notes, scan text, and append media to notes. So I decided to port those actions and add more, to iOS devices using shortcuts.

My Obsidian Capture shortcuts. Image by Nuno Campos

Quick Note

This shortcut creates a new note in my inbox folder. It prompts for the text and for the title. If nothing is inserted for the title, it will save as untitled. I’m also adding the frontmatter fields required for my workflows and the date the note was created. Note that the field status: unread, will append a 🚩suffix to the note.

Quick Note shortcut. Image by Nuno Campos



Nuno Campos
Obsidian Observer

I am a Senior SysAdmin, enthusiastic about productivity apps and opensource tools