My Obsidian Setup — My Notes and My Theme settings

How do I manage my PKM notes and what theme I’m using

Nuno Campos
Obsidian Observer


I’ve been using Obsidian as my second brain for a year now. I’ve tried other note-taking apps along the way, because I love to check all trendy stuff, but no other gives me the same versatility and customization power as Obsidian. Obsidian checks all my requisites for PKM, tasks, projects, daily journal…

This article starts a series where I’m going to review, after 1 year of usage, my Obsidian configuration, plugins, and workflows.

My Homepage. Image by Nuno Campos

Theme Settings

I’m using the Border theme in Dark mode with the Rose Pine Moon style settings, with the following settings (the others are the default):

  • Auto-hide bars and menus.
Style settings. Image by Nuno Campos
  • Colorful folder icon enabled.



Nuno Campos
Obsidian Observer

I am a Senior SysAdmin, enthusiastic about productivity apps and opensource tools