My Obsidian Setup — Project Management

Project Management setup and workflow in Obsidian

Nuno Campos
Technology Hits


Project management is a crucial aspect of any work environment. Whether it’s coordinating tasks, managing deadlines, or organizing resources efficiently, effective project management is a key factor in ensuring the success of any project. Obsidian offers several features and functionalities that make it a very nice option for managing projects. In this article, we’ll explore how I use Obsidian as a project management tool and its various features that can help you stay on top of your projects and tasks.

Projects Dashboard. Image by Nuno Campos

Creating a New Project

Using QuickAdd plugin I’ve created a macro to create a new project.

New Project macro. Image by Nuno Campos

In the first step of the macro, I’m prompted for the project name and create a blank page on my projects folder.

New project — step 1. Image by Nuno Campos

Next, I’m inserting all the fields on the project home page.



Nuno Campos
Technology Hits

I am a Senior SysAdmin, enthusiastic about productivity apps and opensource tools